Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <>Subject: Susana Martinez Should Lead the RGA - That is "if" the GOP Want to Win Seats in 2014 - Can someone tell them?Date: February 3, 2014 9:53:41 AM CSTTo: ""<>, Jonathan Collegio <>, Arthur Brooks <>, daily caller <>, Kathy Mcdonald <>, ""<>, Patrick Hynes <>, ""<>Nancy Reagan's people said "Image in EVERYTHING"…Please… Chris Christie Is NOT the image you want.Moderate Women Who Watched State of Union Told Me "What They Though" of GOP Response.. (the official one that is:):)Also I was asked if moderate women would vote for Scott Walker…..I do not know but I will listen to his CPAC speech and tell you. Last week in DC I was told he could become "the last Governor standing"…. for the nomination. Does the nominee have to be a Governor?This is gonna sound bizarre but Donald Trump seems to be a "serious" contender with the new choice of characters, I mean candidates. PA & Ohio voters will have a difficult time digesting Jeb Bush - Retired people from Florida like Jeb… Rand Paul seems to be the "guy" for the younger voters… can't figure out why.When looking "short term" 2014 the GOP needs to put a "band aid" on it's image & if you people want to have credibility going into 2016 you'll ditch Chris Christie as your RGA role model and get Susana Martinez. She's the person that I see as a VP nominee… Going against Hillary you gotta have a women on the ticket-if you want a chance.I do like Kelly Ayotte but she comes across at Lindsey Graham's puppet on foreign policy- I have not yet seen her speak "from her heart"… Maybe have her speak about the future of America that "she wants"…. I like CPAC because it gives an opportunity to listen to the passion and see the possibilities of each candidate.If Ted Cruz can "tone it down" he could become credible. Sarah Palin is red meat for the conservative masses but she only speaks to 24% of America but she's speaking to 95% of the CPAC audience. Having Chris Christie speak at CPAC gives the Big Gov the opportunity to tell Conservatives WHY…. & he'll sell a lot of tickets too.FYI- Cathy Rogers did a great job - over a dozen random people that I spoke to that watched her speak after the State of the Union liked her BUT they could not tell me "what" she would do to solve the problems. The GOP needs common sense SOLUTIONS for healthcare. Her comment that "were not going back to the way it was…" (para phrasing) was the best received.Swap Chris Christie & Susana during the Olympics then less bad press for the NJ governor… I think he already gets enough of that:):)