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Sunday's Thought to Ponder - CodePink's Janet Weil's Inspiration - Inspiration - Haley Barbour Don't Kill Me - US Intel Elite I "Get" your Worried I'm a CodePink Sympathizer: Guys I'm Committed to Black (Like They Say-Once You Go Black You Can't Go Back:):) - Commentary on Saudi & UAE Are Giving Egypt 20 Billion & Read Jesselyn Radack Article on Abuse of Espionage Act & Yes It's Cool to Support John Kiriakou & More People Should....

For the last few Friday's I've read CodePinks "Inspiration for your Friday" and it's really inspiring...
Imitation is the best form of flattery so every Sunday I'll give a "thought to Ponder...  

In case you missed Friday's inspiration from CodePink's Janet Weil here's a snipit and the link.   Knowing who reads this blog Hello Uncle Sheldon & Uncle Rupert I'm sure you missed it:):)  

"...The hate mail slowed to a trickle, then died down almost completely. Now people write expressions of gratitude, of interest, of appreciation. A few men have written to info email this year to say that they’ve come to see that CODEPINK was right about the Iraq war, or sometimes other issues, and that they appreciate our persistence or integrity. These inspire me – because they show me that people, even those rigidly opposed to us years ago, can change their minds and hearts. What can’t we change, if we keep walking toward a more peaceful world? What can’t we do together for justice? Who can we reach out to? Whose minds and hearts do we need to speak to? And how do I, do we, without sentimentality or unrealistic expectations, but with an open curiosity, communicate with those we disagree with or oppose? - ..."

See more at: http://codepink.org/blog/2014/05/inspiration-for-your-friday-6/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Pinktank+%28CODEPINK%3A+PINKTANK%29#sthash.uT7tFXkk.dpuf

CodePinks Inspiration for your Friday...written by Janet Weil I can relate: In my own battles against "multiple" enemies including but not limited to NISSAN execs committing fraud and discriminating against women, corrupt DA' s & Judges and lack of transparency in the Tennessee courts, Unethical Republicans (yes I'm a republican just one who believe in "ethics"... fyi there are some scummy dems too) who profit from Putin and Khomeini mad at me for exposing their bad acts, People in a corrupt Good Ole Boy Network that was once controlled by Howard Baker, etc...  FYI- I've been told that Haley Barbour pardoned so many so "murderers" because he wanted people that are capable of killing to owe him favors... http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2014/may/20/pardoned-ex-prisoner-pleads-guilty-manslaughter/

Yes!!! I know I swear and not articulate &  Although I'm not as articulate as some my points are valid.  Before my webstats were "tweaked" I got the data that showed LOTS of viewers and who was reading.  The #'s on the left are just for 1 website... the viewership skyrocket after I was jailed on "trumped up" charges...  Oddly people part of Bilderberg read my blogs prior to my arrest? I can prove it....  Tim Geithner- GAME ON!!!

Anyway just Like CodePink I've had hate mail & death threats... still I stand up to the bullies and respectfully when asked I tell them WHY i fight.   I've had people that said I was "crazy" or delusional the most painful were a few from my own family...  BUT I kept speaking and NOW my family has turned around and they see the point I tried to make. They're not happy with me "airing" the dirty laundry BUT when confronted with the reality - that I was jailed and bullied simply for doing the morally right thing... they finally said OK.. I have to admit I said that "if" they did not show me respect I'd put PROOF a certain relative was involved with CIA drug trafficking in the Reagan era on the internet.  That threat worked and now I'll have one less blog post to write.  My family is silent about me... I will never be close to them but they will no longer be the enemy of the creation of a healthy society.  It's a sad & lonely victory but hell I'll take any victory.... I'm in this battle of human decency to win.. Huh... 

Maybe had I warn brighter clothing my concerns would have been heard faster?  It sure would be fun to be part of a group like this:  picture of my clothes for last trip to DC...easy to mix and match:)

Oops i was told that Mossad is "my friend"... & people have told me I've become a CodePink" sympathizer. My DNA is MIC/CIA ... it's just not natural: They think I need new meds...  Because i like CodePink....  Those NeoNuts need to think about "this"....

The ladies that protest might look like a bunch of sissy's but Sisi is scared of their co founder Medea Benjamin...  so is Mossad.  


Years ago I was told "you can't run away from who you are..." today my response is I did run away and for a long time I was "just" Sharyn... & people did not know who my family was & "how" does it matter?  Now that I'm almost 50 I really don't give a **** that my family was MIC/CIA or what they are in the eyes of others... I can see how the world is with my own eyes & I want PEACE... & dammit so do other NeoKids 


So to the people that fear I'm a sympathizer for the global protest group don't worry... I get it: Anyway pink might not be my primary color... BUT I can still have fun with pink... besides BLACK is more slimming:):)  Mr Hagel I'm LOYAL to my country and that means I respect the fact the in America Protesting is Patriotic...

Saudi and the UAE are giving Egypt 20 Billion...  So I see a need for the ladies in oversized sun glasses for a very long time....  


Lastly I was the 500th "retweet" of this...

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