Former Karl Rove Operative Trained Op Researcher was CORRECT & Carly Fiorina...
Social Media Says Carly Fiorina Wins Early Republican DebateBreitbart News-19 minutes agoFiorina sets herself apart from Donald TrumpWashington Examiner-49 minutes agoFiorina Snub Irks HatchRoll Call...
View ArticleQuestion for Bob Dickey the CEO of Gannett: What Does the USA TODAY NOT Tell...
Since the MSM won't report that other countries are normalizing ties with Iran I will... There's a LOT going in the world that Americans don't know about & it would be nice if we were kept current...
View ArticleCarly Fiorina Rocks the Iowa State Fair & is in the books as the ONLY woman...
"You can tell by the crowds at the Iowa State Fair that Carly Fiorina 'crushed it' ... a 60+ year old man told me he needed a selfie cause he thought Carly was gonna make history, I learned the people...
View ArticleBernie Sanders RIGHT That Americans Shouldn't Go Bankrupt Just For Going to...
Most moderated & I agree with Bernie Sanders on this... The Obamacare solution does NOT solve the healthcare crisis in America. Can the GOP come up with something better? I've been to a LOT of...
View ArticleTom Fitton of Judicial Watch YOU have given me a smile... Thank you:):)
"If the State Department was not providing secure email devices to Mrs. Clinton, who was? Best Buy? Target? Mrs. Clinton clearly did whatever she wanted, without regard to national security or federal...
View ArticleAmerica needs a President who "gets" cyber issues Based on that theory IF Al...
It's TRUE Al Gore might run for presidentI got hacked "again" and I'm tired of living in fear of internet "insecurity"& I tweeted out one of the pics that was looked at by people that have been...
View ArticleKline Preston My Ex Lawyer (Whose a Putin Loving Corrupt Good Ole Boy) Who...
Дональд Трамп прямо сейчас в Нэшвилле! Настоящий мужик! Kline Preston told me Ronald Reagan was GAY & he lied about that.....
View ArticleA Tea Party Patriot Assaulted Me for Being a Moderate - I'm theDemographic...
Most of the people at the Ban the Iran Deal think it can be stopped - they heard a lot of rhetoric (and some TRUE) but they were not told our allies are going ahead without us.... We have NO CHOICE. I...
View ArticleJames Comey you've got some Grade A people working to end corruption...
Below is from an email sent to me from an FBI informant- it's meant to be used as a tool to get Lorreta Lynch to Prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Good Ole Boy network that's harmed America: the...
View ArticleJohn Brennan CIA & James Clapper are Gonna Be at LBJ Library Declassify Stuff...
Conspiracy theorist will not be happy with what's released today & in 2017. It was a "small clique" that killed JFK ... the investigation was bungled and THEN the conspiracy happened. I was told...
View ArticleJames Comey Please Investigate the Tom Ingram Network “If” I get killed &...
Just told there's a reason why Jeb would want Good Ole Boy Tom.Bernie Toon (Joe Biden's ex chief of staff) works for Tom Ingram.... .Ingram to work for Jeb Bush presidential campaignThe Tennessean-1...
View ArticleAl Gore... I'm Holding My Breath & trying to mingle with Progressives. It's...
“The general impression conveyed by the intense coverage of this election is that people are going to vote tomorrow, or next week,” he said. “I’ve been to four national campaigns and I can confirm for...
View ArticleYep... Hillary Clinton is Toast!!!!
Hillary Clinton's legal adviser warns her — Time to lawyer upNew York Post-4 hours agoThe adviser, who has been a Clinton confidant for more than 30 years, laid out his concerns about Hillary's legal...
View ArticleAnderson Cooper Ask Hillary Clinton These Questions
My question to Hillary is: "During the Benghazi attack within 2 hours the administration new it was a planned attack but a video was push for the cause. Why did you push a video when you knew it was...
View Article"I've been as transparent as I know to be" Hillary Clinton
This quote from Hillary Clinton published in TIME states why she can't win
View ArticleCongressman Peter Roskam are YOU Telling James Comey That I want Bradley...
<>Date: October 14, 2015 at 4:32:55 PM EDTTo: michael************ Peter Roskam I'm on my way - I want you as my member of congress to ask FBI to...
View ArticleJames Comey I Need the FBI to Look at This: The DOD Whistleblower Allegers Ex...
THIS IS REAL... I HAVE THE TEXT MESSAGESHillary Clinton is involved with Bi-Partisan CORRUPTION & Mike Rogers Was protecting her.Trey Gowdy is doing a "legit" investigation.Begin forwarded...
View ArticleThe Mainstream Media Keeps Bullying Susan Curlee & I Was Told By a Reporter...
Williamson County School Board member Susan Curlee is an ethical and fiscally responsible person: it's time Tennessee respected ppl with those qualities: The fact the Tennessean ignores stories about...
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