Channel: Voice of a GOP Moderate
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Former Karl Rove Operative Trained Op Researcher was CORRECT & Carly Fiorina WON the JV GOP Debate & Fox News Execs look Like BIG PRICKS For Leaving the ONLY Woman Running OUT of Prime Time. Reince Priebus Said "We've Got a Diverse Line-up in Prime Time" WTF Having NO WOMEN is NOT DIVERSE. Do You Idiots Want Women to NOT Vote Republican Cause That's the Message I'm Reading. Ya'll We're GRADE A Stupid for Leaving Her OUT of the Debate.

Fiorina sets herself apart from Donald Trump
Washington Examiner-49 minutes ago
Fiorina Snub Irks Hatch
Roll Call (blog)-1 hour ago
Carly Fiorina shines but will it matter
In-Depth-Politico-14 minutes ago

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: ACU Debate Party 
Date: August 4, 2015 at 10:37:09 PM EDT
To: Spencer Brown - ACU Intern <sbrown@conservative.org>


Hello & ii'm sorry to tell you I'll miss attending the ACU debate party with GOP hopefuls in attendance I did look forward to meeting them BUT it's a 6 hour drive from Pentagon City & the only woman candidate whose one of the most articulable in the field & whose one of the most accomplished is not on the main stage, ya'll at the ACU know how awesome Carly Fiorina is because she used to be one of your top leaders, sadly most of the GOP voters that watch Fox News won't get the opportunity to see her do what she does best and that's remind WOMEN why they should be a republican. 

At CPAC last spring Carly Fiorina graciously took a selfie with me and shared her passion for making America healthy. It's politically stunning she's not on the lineup. 

FYI : looks like the Dems might run a woman as their nominee so don't us think having one on the stage might've been a "good thing" ?

Anyway I know the ACU wanted her on the prime time stage.

OMG!  I'm so PISSED off at Fox News for the act of moronism that the 6 hour drive to Cleveland would feel like 10 hours so I'll just stay in Virginia and watch the debate with undecided voters & pray that one of the dudes on stage can impress me to the extent as the former ACU exec. 

Lastly I want to thank the ACU for keeping the GOP family together during the internal battle for control happening within the GOP/RNC.

The American Conservative Union has my total respect and admiration & I look forward to attending your events in the future.

Please make a toast at the House of Blues on Thursday night for the "skirt" that's not speaking & tell her during her appearance at the party to keep fighting cause 🇺🇸 needs her.


Sharyn Bovat
Voice of a Moderate 

Sent from my iPhone

Question for Bob Dickey the CEO of Gannett: What Does the USA TODAY NOT Tell It's Readers? Seems Like the World is Normalizing Relations with Iran & Coal is NO Longer Cool. What's Up?

Since the MSM won't report that other countries are normalizing ties with Iran I will... There's a LOT going in the world that Americans don't know about & it would be nice if we were kept current by the Mainstream media.                   If EU countries are doing deals with Iran does that mean American sanctions are futile. http://www.gtreview.com
IF Australia banks are NOT funding coal plants does that mean the global warming issue is real? 

Carly Fiorina Rocks the Iowa State Fair & is in the books as the ONLY woman to take the stage at the Des Moines Register Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair: Why did Hillary Clinton NOT speak... Oops her staffer told me weeks ago that she wouldn't speak to "Un-Regulated" crowds..... The Iowan Caucus goers call her Snub "Chicken-Shit"....


"You can tell by the crowds at the Iowa State Fair that Carly Fiorina 'crushed it' ... a 60+ year old man told me he needed a selfie cause he thought Carly was gonna make history, I learned the people of Iowa have been prepped by the Clinton machine to vote for a woman as President & now the work of Hillary's minions might be the 'steam' that gets the Fiorina train out of the station & I can't wait for the next debate cause the ONLY woman in the GOP field is moving up to the grown-up table- thank you Jesus!!!"  Sharyn Bovat Voice of a Moderate

  Why didn't Hillary Clinton speak at the Des Moines Register Soapbox
All the pictures on this post I took while at the Iowa State Fair: On ALL my blogs is a pic is not an original of mine I link the source (if there is a source) which I've tried to do in the past. 

This YouTube video taken from HERE

“First, I believe that minimum wage should be a state decision, not a federal decision. Why? Because it makes no sense to say that the minimum wage in New York City is the same as the minimum wage in Mason City, Iowa....” Carly Fiorina 

An NBC News Poll this month found that 22% of Republican-leaning voters who followed the debates said Fiorina performed the best among all the candidates. The next highest performer, according to the poll, was Donald Trump, with 18% of viewers saying that he did the "best job in the debate." 

Bernie Sanders RIGHT That Americans Shouldn't Go Bankrupt Just For Going to the Hospital...Donald Trump, Jeb Bush ,Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr Ben Carson, John Kasich & Others Don't Say You'll Repeal It FIX IT.... or America Will Get a Singer Payer Plan.

Most moderated & I agree with Bernie Sanders on this... The Obamacare solution does NOT solve the healthcare crisis in America. Can the GOP come up with something better? I've been to a LOT of forums and want to see what else that those that lead our congress have come up with 

Tell Bernie what you think on Google+

the law at a MINIMUM need to allow for women  who have been married over 10 years going through a divorce to be able to KEEP their insurance. 


Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch YOU have given me a smile... Thank you:):)

"If the State Department was not providing secure email devices to Mrs. Clinton, who was? Best Buy? Target? Mrs. Clinton clearly did whatever she wanted, without regard to national security or federal records keeping laws," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, who took the State Department to court over its lack of disclosure on the email and server issues.  Click HERE for Fox News article 


America needs a President who "gets" cyber issues Based on that theory IF Al Gore doesn't run I'll support Carly Fiorina.


It's TRUE Al Gore might run for president
I got hacked "again" and I'm tired of living in fear of internet "insecurity"& I tweeted out one of the pics that was looked at by people that have been browsing my emails.
America needs a President who "gets" cyber issues
Based on that theory IF Al does not run I'll support Carly Fiorina. 

Kline Preston My Ex Lawyer (Whose a Putin Loving Corrupt Good Ole Boy) Who Tried to Extort Me Blames Jim DeMint of Extortion & Loves Donald Trump. He Also LOVES Assad & Wants to Protect Putin's Interest and NOT America's.... Someone Ask the Donald About That?


Дональд Трамп прямо сейчас в Нэшвилле! Настоящий мужик!

Kline Preston told me Ronald Reagan was GAY & he lied about that.....

A Tea Party Patriot Assaulted Me for Being a Moderate - I'm theDemographic the GOP Needs to WIN in 2016 .... So Be Nice - ReincePriebus Do You Control YOUR Party?

Most of the people at the Ban the Iran Deal think it can be stopped - they heard a lot of rhetoric (and some TRUE) but they were not told our allies are going ahead without us.... We have NO CHOICE. 


I was invited to go by the ACU and they were kind... They know the way to the White House is by building alliances.

Still many at the rally when they heard o was the Voice of a Moderate treated me like a ...

God Bless America

James Comey you've got some Grade A people working to end corruption inAmerica in the FBI & I'd like to know of if Loretta Lynch at the DOJ isgonna prosecute the people that HURT society?

Below is from an email sent to me from an FBI informant- it's meant to be used as a tool to get Lorreta Lynch to Prosecute Hillary Clinton and the Good Ole Boy network that's harmed America: 

the information below you will see the drug trade with the help of the
CIA continuing into the 190's and 2000's and that several CIA agents go on
to own private companies who own fleets of airplanes. Also you will see the
CIA drug traffickers and Colombian connection to California. This groups
also gave over $700K to the Democrat party to have Bill Clinton elected. You
will also see the connection to Barry Seal with this CIA/Columbian
connection. What We start seeing is the same names coming to light over and
Freeway Rick Ross says in an interview he had brought in several tons of
cocaine which is supported by Wikipedia and others sources. It is estimated
he make over $500 million dollars for his efforts.
http://www.narconews.com/darkalliance/drugs/who.htm He also says he got his
drugs from Nicaraguans which is supported by the above link. Blandon I am
pretty sure also dealt directly with Blandon in this article. Danilo
Blandon's number one customer was Freeway Ricky Ross who sold to intercity
drug dealers via the Crips and Bloods gangs in Los Angeles and other major
cities in Louisiana, Texas, Ohio and others. His operation continued at
least until the mid-1990 when Blandon turned on him and Ross was arrested.
It can be assumed someone continued the trade with the drug cartels since
the trafficking actually increased. Not sure who was bringing the drugs into
Tennessee, Georgia and Kentucky during this time since Harold Rosenthal was
out of the picture by then. Seems everyone major trafficker (Ross, Seal, Air
America owner, LeQuire, Andre Thornton III, Bradly Bryant) all had a
connection to Pennsylvania. Even Sydney Gall the owner of Gall Uniforms and
the largest Kentucky gun wholesalers sold to Arramark who is in head
quartered in Philadelphia, PA. This leads me to think the CIA may have
operated out of PA for this operation. Even John Y Brown the KY governor had
his KFC headquarters in PA at one time and had hired Bradley Bryant (drug
smuggler and partner to Andrew C. Thornton II) to work in that office. 
US CIA sold government planes to private companies to use for drug
A man who was working undercover at the U.S. Forest Service for the CIA when
the Merlin III turbo-prop was delivered in 1973, will 30 years later become
Chairman of a company whose DC-9 is involved in the biggest bust on an
airplane, an astounding 5.5 tons of cocaine, in Mexican history.
GlennBrentRosieSignHis name is Glen Kovar. He was Chairman of SkyWay
Communications in St Petersburg, Florida. In a profile, a business magazine
touched on his resume:
s-cia-plane/ In this same article you will find the biggest drug trafficker
in Chicago and was the partner of CIA agent and later CEO Glen Kovar
mentioned above. Luis Carlos Herrera-Lizcano

John Brennan CIA & James Clapper are Gonna Be at LBJ Library Declassify Stuff the SAME Time GOP Debate Happens.... Bob Dickey of Gannett What Story will Be on the Front Page of the USA Today & Other Papers?

Conspiracy theorist will not be happy with what's released today & in 2017. It was a "small clique" that killed JFK ... the investigation was bungled and THEN the conspiracy happened.  I was told the cover-up was worse than the crime, and my reaction was "the crime was the murder of an American president.... i just don't get it?"

What i was told is LBJ was NOT aware of JFK's assassination before it happened. He did know about the "cover-up' the bungled investigation. What he did was done for the benefit of America (I'm still trying to figure that logic out).

Put your seat-belts on.  

The CIA was smart to declassify this stuff the same day as the GOP debate. All eyes are on Donald Trump. 

Classified Presidential daily briefings from the Kennedy and Johnson administrations will be released for the first time on Wednesday, Sept. 16. The release coincided with a public event at the LBJ Presidential Library on Tuesday hosted by CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Click HERE after the 16th to see what the LBJ library released

Search Results

    CIA to Release Declassified President's Daily Brief Articles ...

    Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
    Sep 9, 2015 - The event will be livestreamed by the LBJ Library via their website ... CIA Director John O. Brennan will present the event's keynote speech and ...

    Press - LBJ Presidential Library

    Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum
    Sep 8, 2015 - CIA To Release Previously Classified Presidential Briefings at LBJ ... CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James…

James Comey Please Investigate the Tom Ingram Network “If” I get killed & you’ll find him at the Jeb Bush 2016 HQ.


Just told there's a reason why Jeb would want Good Ole Boy Tom.

Bernie Toon (Joe Biden's ex chief of staff) works for Tom Ingram.... .

Ingram to work for Jeb Bush presidential campaign

The Tennessean-1 hour ago
Tom Ingram, a longtime Tennessee Republican operative, has joined the ... Most recently Ingram advised the Nashville mayoral campaign of Charles Robert ... 

    I've got a lot on Tom Ingram.... 615-944-7599

    Tom Ingram YOU Better Tell Governor Bill Haslam There are ...

    Dec 15, 2013 - Tom Ingram YOU Better Tell Governor Bill Haslam There are ... Kim Helper Maliciously Prosecuted Sharyn Bovat the NISSAN Whistleblower.

    Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary


    Oct 27, 2014 - Can Ya'll at Least Indict Tom Ingram? He Can Be Reid Weingarten's NEW ... From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>. Subject: DOD ...
    You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 9/1/15

    Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary ...


    Aug 5, 2013 - ... Management Area near Crossville. Haslam adviser Ingram is also a lobbyist for the coal company. ... Sharyn Bovat (@sharynbovat) March 20, 2014 ... Tom Ingram Did You Know That Bill Haslam Allies Le... Message to Mike ...
    You visited this page.

    Voice of a Moderate - Sharyn Bovat : OMG!!! The Gannett ...

    Oct 16, 2014 - OMG!!! The Gannett Owned Tennessean is NOT Catering to the HaslamGood Ole Boy Network.... Is Tom Ingram Still Pooping in His Pants?

    Voice of a Moderate - Sharyn Bovat : DOD Whistleblower ...


    Oct 1, 2013 - Sharyn Bovat Wants the FBI to Investigate FRAUD NOW. ... of a Jimmy & Bill Haslam - Tom Ingram- NISSAN - Judge Jeff Bivins, DA Kim Helper- ...

    Voice of a Moderate - Sharyn Bovat : James Comey I ...


    Jul 27, 2014 - ... tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com, memphis@ic.fbi.gov, ... Sharyn Bovat. 615-944 -7599. Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary.

    Voice of a Moderate - Sharyn Bovat : July 2014


    Jul 28, 2014 - If I'm wrong about anything call me Sharyn Bovat 615-944-7599. Begin forwarded message ... tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com, memphis@ic.fbi.gov, knoxville@ic. fbi.gov ... Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary.

    Tom Ingram and Ed Gillespie Have Committed Fashion ...

    Sep 25, 2013 - Uploaded by Sharyn Bovat
    Tom Ingram caught NOT wearing socks by Sharyn Bovat the woman who ... wearing polyester pants in the ...

    Nissan Whistleblower: Tagg Romney, Tom Ingram & Bernie ...


    Aug 22, 2013 - Oct 25, 2012 - The blog of Sharyn Bovat the NISSAN Whistleblower. ... former Chief of Staff Bernie Toon works for Haslam Guru Tom Ingram.

    Voice of a GOP Moderate: Ed Gillespie - Here's Some ...


    Jan 13, 2014 - ... Haley Barbour Be YOUR Publicist & STAY AWAY from Tom Ingramand the Haslam Family. ... Sharyn Bovat (@sharynbovat) March 10, 2015 ...

    Tom Ingram Did You Know That Bill Haslam Allies Led the ...


    Aug 5, 2013 - Tom Ingram Did You Know That Bill Haslam Allies Led the Tennessee Congressional Redistricting? Looks Like Those on "Team Haslam" Got BETTER Lines ...

    Tom Ingram YOU Better Tell Governor Bill Haslam There are ...


    Dec 15, 2013 - Tom Ingram YOU Better Tell Governor Bill Haslam There are "Issues" with Judge Chris Craft of Shelby County-Memphis: Personally I Have None BUT Several ...

When the Going Gets Tough John Boehner Goes Golfing

Al Gore... I'm Holding My Breath & trying to mingle with Progressives. It's not as easy at it looks:):)


“The general impression conveyed by the intense coverage of this election is that people are going to vote tomorrow, or next week,” he said. “I’ve been to four national campaigns and I can confirm for you that this election is more than a year away.”
Indeed, a lot can change in a year, but it was about a year before both the 2004 and 2008 election when Gore silenced rumors of a run. So if all was going according to plan, he’d be squashing those rumors just about now.
I think iDid well at my first Progressive event... The comment about being surprised that President  Obama 

Also WHY Did Bill, Hillary & Huma Email Me Wanted $1 Dollar Today... They "know" She's Going Down... Faster than a passenger on Pan Am 103..... Oops I meant TWA 800 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sarah Isgur Flores <sarah@carlyforpresident.com>
Subject: Just one last thing
Date: September 30, 2015 at 5:50:04 PM EDT
To: sharynbovat@icloud.com
Reply-To: Sarah Isgur Flores <info@carlyforpresident.com>

Hi Sharyn,
I'll be blunt: we need your help right now to reach our quarterly fundraising goal, before we have to report numbers back to the FEC. Can you pitch in $9 before midnight's FEC deadline?
After two back-to-back debate victories, Carly's become one of the frontrunners in this race.
If your last name is Bush or Clinton, that's the last thing you want to hear.
For the past few weeks, Hillary Clinton has begun attacking Carly every chance she gets. And now, so has Jeb Bush. (You can't always tell the difference between the two.)
Here's what's going on: they know Carly's a threat. They know she can beat either of them any day of the week. And they know their political careers depend on shutting down Carly's momentum, before she truly has a chance to make our case and win over the American people.
You and I cannot let that happen.
We can't hand the political class an easy victory just because we didn't fight back hard enough. We have to make sure our voice is heard over the shameful attacks from entrenched politicians like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush in the weeks to come.
Thanks for your help!
Sarah Isgur Flores
Deputy Campaign Manager

Yep... Hillary Clinton is Toast!!!!

Anderson Cooper Ask Hillary Clinton These Questions


My question to Hillary is:

 "During the Benghazi attack within 2 hours the administration new it was a planned attack but a video was push for the cause. Why did you push a video when you knew it was not the ****ing case"

Next question: 

"why did donations to your foundation form foreign governments coincide with the State Department giving favors  

Last question:

if you knew of an employee at the state department that had a personal server for state department business and it had classified information on it what would do to that employee? 

"I've been as transparent as I know to be" Hillary Clinton

This quote from Hillary Clinton published in TIME states why she can't win 

Congressman Peter Roskam are YOU Telling James Comey That I want Bradley Podliska the "Self Proclaimed" Benghazi Whistleblower Told to Me by His Lawyer Joe Napiltonia His Lead Lawyer for His Lawsuit He Wants to File to Help Hillary Clinton Escape Tough Questions By Trey Gowdy ( Bradley Podliska Wasn't Even in Libya & I Don't Think He's a Real Whistleblower & I Know Whistleblower's Cause I'm a Whistleblower I'm the DOD Whistleblower, The NISSAN Whistleblower & the Lockerbie Bombing Whistleblower). Anyway Please Investigate the Allegations By Bradly Podliska


Date: October 14, 2015 at 4:32:55 PM EDT
To: michael************@mail.house.gov
Subject: Peter Roskam I'm on my way - I want you as my member of congress to ask FBI to investigate Bradley Podliska

My name is Sharyn Bovat

I have audio of me talking to Bradley Podliska lawyer I'm gonna share with Benghazi committee

A former senior staffer of ex congressman Mike Rogers has been communicating to me


 While attending a Brennan Center luncheon on Election Reform at the National Press Club Bradley Podliska's lawyer called me & I had a PTSD panic attack when i learned from Google Bradley Podliska's lawyer was from Franklin TN.

 My panic attack occurred because when I blogged about stuff that upsets people I get bullied EVEN when my blog posts are FACTUAL.  Here's a Letter Bob Dickey's ppl from Gannett had the Law Firm Alberto (approved CIA torture) Gonzales law firm sent me to bully me.  Waller, Lansden, Dortch & Davis the "big time" law firm actually said my blogs could be viewed a Gannett products and I'm creating consumer confusion.  HELLO- I'm a dyslexic blogger with ADHD & I have NO EDITOR if my blogs are seen as Gannett products then Gannett has a problem. 
Click Here to read more about my issues with Gannett 

Joe Napiltonia could be a "good guy" and does not understand the power of the CIA/MIC clique that profited from the Iraq war ... the clique run by people that are aligned with the late Howard Baker that's based in Tennessee.

Side Note: Click HERE to see how Marsha Blackburn is connected to the clique. 

 Trey Gowdy Staffer "not the most helpful".....

James Comey I Need the FBI to Look at This: The DOD Whistleblower Allegers Ex House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers Had High Lever Staffer "Flirt Text" Her After She Exposed State Department Inspector Generals Office Working on Benghazi Issues Was Compromised.



Hillary Clinton is involved with Bi-Partisan CORRUPTION & Mike Rogers Was protecting her.
Trey Gowdy is doing a "legit" investigation.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Copy of email sent to FBI about House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers Staffer Befriending me in Fall 2014... AFTER I whistleblew about State Dept IG Being Compromised 
Date: October 16, 2015 at 9:40:33 AM EDT
To: michael.shapiro@mail.house.gov, Amanda.Duvall@mail.house.gov, Jamal.Ware@mail.house.gov, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, DANIEPM5 <daniepm5@ucia.gov>, jesselynr@whistleblower.org, Mark@markzaid.com, denise.natali@ndu.edu, Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>, tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com

I told an IC friend that I played along with the Mike Rogers Staffer … even when he told me he gave great NURU massages.  The text show that he contacted me during key moments  & would flirt with me to get intel….  Here’s our recent messages  then after that is what I told a top clearanced IC friend whose helping navigate a future relationship with Al Gore.  

On the right are my most recent messages from ex House Intel Chiairman Mike Rogers Staffer: Below text between me and IC friend.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Message from Sharyn Bovat the DOD Whistleblower to Denise Natali about Sadar Pishdare of Kurdistan 
Date: September 24, 2014 at 6:49:48 PM EDT
To: denise.natali@ndu.edu
Cc: daniepm5@ucia.gov, Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>, washington.field@ic.fbi.gov


A staffer of Mike Rogers (house intel committee) wants to meet with me - it’s weird & when it comes to Iraq issues Ms. Natali think your a person that the members of congress should be interacting with.
Anyway I’m reaching out to you because in the last few weeks a US Army Colonel hit on me - a Hillary Clinton logistics person asked me if I wanted to work for her campaign and NOW a member of congress who I reached out to a LONG time ago has a staffer texting me.   I’m scared. My situation is complicated but this IRAQ stuff is all connected to the CIA/MIC clique that has terrorized me for over 5 years. The Haslam family (Pilot Flying J) has a board member named Mike Loya and his dad had coffee with me before he died- I think the oil smuggling you talked about today is done with the approval of Vitol in Turkey & I think they took the oil to Galveston cause they “thought” Texas would let the illegal Kurdish oil in and they sent another boatload of oil to New Jersey cause the Governor their is part of the CIA/MIC clique that’s organized by Haley Barbour. The Kurdish oil tanker should’ve gone to a deep water port and like I said they thought Texas would be friendly.  The clique goes back to the Khomeini deal done in 1979 done to “get rid of Carter”…  Thank you for being so knowledgable about Iraq & have a great day!


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Fwd: Foreign Service Officer currently working in State Dept IGO's Office due to retire in November plans on working for Hillary Clinton campaign - wreaks of Benghazi Cover-Up 
Date: October 16, 2015 at 9:01:33 AM EDT
To: michael.shapiro@mail.house.gov, Amanda.Duvall@mail.house.gov, Jamal.Ware@mail.house.gov, DANIEPM5 <daniepm5@ucia.gov>

Life is weirder & oddly last night I played bridge with Ellen Engels she works at State Dept IG office - she said in front of 3 people (me inc) that she plans on working for Clinton campaign AFTER she retires from the State Departments Inspector General’s Office.  She said she hopes it’s by November-which seemed “odd” evidently her retirement has been delayed ... Why?

Hello this is Sharyn Bovat  sharynbovat.com 

Here’s a copy of an email is from last year I sent it to the IC Whistleblower Liaison Dan Meyer also I’m the whistleblower that’s exposed Bradley Podliska being “tool” for Mike Rogers to hinder the investigation.   The former Chair of the House intel had a staffer “flirt text” with me ever since I expose the State Dept. IG for being compromised. Text show that Mike Rogers staffer offered me NURU massages.   I had to google it… YIKES!!!

Call me to testify 

Sharyn Bovat 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Foreign Service Officer currently working in State Dept IGO's Office due to retire in November plans on working for Hillary Clinton campaign - I told Max Bergmann cause it wreaks of Benghazi Cover-Up & Sardar Pishdare Issue of Taxpayer Cash Thrown Out of Helicopters in Kurdistan CONFIRMED - the Corruption Happened. I'm NOT Saying Aaron Geduldig is Corrupt - Just He Might Know Something & I'm SCARED!!! 
Date: September 26, 2014 at 4:03:21 PM EDT


Life is weirder & oddly last night I played bridge with Ellen Engels she works at State Dept IG office - she said in front of 3 people (me inc) that she plans on working for Clinton campaign AFTER she retires from the State Departments Inspector General’s Office.  She said she hopes it’s by November-which seemed “odd” evidently her retirement has been delayed ... Why?

A State Dept. IG staffer planning on working for a political campaign of the person under scrutiny (Hillary Clinton) it seems like a conflict of interest.  A lot of weird stuff is happening.  Sardar Pishdare told the truth and I got it verified by a Georgetown University source bricks of cash were thrown out of helicopter just like the Kurdistan whistleblower told me.  i’m tired of living in fear.  The last two days when I’ve done my Starbucks Meet-Ups my car becomes surrounded by black cars… coincidence or just creepy?   http://www.meetup.com/iSpy-A-New-Experience/about/

Please investigate the State Dept IG issues… it wreaks of Benghazi cover-up & have a great weekend.


Also Mark Silverman’s wife is sick ( she has breast cancer-luckily it was caught in the early stages) as people know Mark has let me blog about him & Gannett I’ve ranted about them not reporting issues of corruption and fraud- Mark and I are still friends and after he told me a month ago his wife is sick I toned down my “anti-silverman” rhetoric out of respect for his family.  please pray for his wife.  sorrysilverman.com 

PS- a house intel committee member staffer contacted me & wants to meet with me in Oct.  I’ve sent that info to Dan Meyer-Denise Natali, Mike Dorris they know more about Iraq than I do so I hope they communicate issues of Kurdistan to members of congress. 

The Mainstream Media Keeps Bullying Susan Curlee & I Was Told By a Reporter It's Because of Her Ties to the Koch Brothers. Susan Curlee is NOT a Billionaire She's a Middle Class Mom Who Believes America Needs to Change & She's Promoting Ethics In Government. Why Does the Tennessean Report on one of Susan Curlee's Tweets & NOT about the Fraud & Corruption Happening in Tennessee?

Williamson County School Board member Susan Curlee is an ethical and fiscally responsible person: it's time Tennessee respected ppl with those qualities: The fact the Tennessean ignores stories about fraud, corruption & racism happening in the county and they report a politically incorrect tweet shows that Gannett is STILL a problem & the society can't get healthy unil the MSM changes and reports news that "matters" to society 



Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: My Crossville Chronicle Comment to Clean up Corruption & Cronyism & a Blog Post Linking Butch (AKA Lecil) Smith to Danny Page
Date: October 20, 2015 at 10:35:57 AM EDT
To: paharris.44@gmail.com, petesouza56@gmail.com, James Mayberry <jsmayberry456@gmail.com>, david.rutherford@crossvilletn.gov, drwwyatt@gmail.com, jesse kerley <phi504@msn.com>, hmullinix@crossville-chronicle.com, mmoser@crossville-chronicle.com, gnelson@crossville-chronicle.com, "mkiely@knoxvillechamber.com"<mkiely@knoxvillechamber.com>

I think Pete Souza had some valid issues and wants to protect ALL the taxpayers & the people at American for Prosperity that I've talked to think that the Crossville City Council has been a bad steward of taxpayer money.  FYI when I stood up for the taxpayers against Good Ole Boy cronyism in Williamson County Tennessee my child was bullied  in TN schools, the corrupt ppl used my child as a tool to get me to shut up about public corruption. To stop other children from similar abuse I spoke to a Koch friend and a few years later AFP helped elect some some ethical school board members.  

Today the ethical Williamson County School board members have challenges similar to Pete Souza, some on board are loyal to their Good Ole Boy friends like Jesse Kerley is to Chris Bennett: Good News for the ethical in TN I was told if the problems of corruption can't get cleaned up soon (internally) they feds will FINALLY help. :  I want the feds to do a RICO case that shows the STATEWIDE corruption in TN.  

It's OK that the Crossville City Councel said NO to an audit cause their inaction to ongoing Federal taxpayer money being wasted gives me ammunition that will motivate the warriors at AFP & this week I'll start lobbying the Rock Starts that help me fight others in TN and that's the Treasury lawyers, I'm gonna ask for the Audit of the Airport and when they say NO due to jurisdiction then I'll say  just audit how ya'll in Crossville spend the Federal Bond money in Crossville.  

God Bless America

Sharyn Bovat

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