Channel: Voice of a GOP Moderate
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Carla Wallach of Greenwich Connecticut Gives Best Description of a Moderate Republican Sharyn Bovat Has EVER Read. Lets Hope Reince Priebus, Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie & the GOP Establishment Sans Haley Barbour (Who I Hope is Retiring?) Listens to the Moderate Republican Fringe - the Fact is in the Next Election Cycle "We Matter" ... New Website VoiceofaModerate.GOP Launching Soon & Here's a Preview

What is a moderate Republican?  "... He or she believes in gay rights, abortion (one can be personally against it as I am but will not deny it to others), universal health care (we're getting there), lower corporate taxes (we're the highest in the developed world), reduce size of government (one issue handled by 28 different offices, etc.) increase military capability so we can once again be the most powerful country in the world sufficiently feared that no one will dare to harm us or our allies), sensible environmental support, desperately needed infrastructure funds, all-out exploration for energy to provide independence from the Middle East, selected farm subsidies (yes to individual farmers no to mega companies)...." Carla Wallach Greenwich Time

  1. Wallach: The hushed voice of the moderate Republican ...


    Greenwich Time
    2 days ago - It is depressing being a member of a vanishing breed but that is what I am. Hopefully they're not dead but hibernating like polar bears ...

    Coming Soon:
    VoiceofaModerate.com - currently it's redirected to a blog with my "rants" the new blog "new media" company will be more professional & have guest writers.  I'm currently looking for a millennial republican that believes in climate change to do a monthly article please call me (Sharyn Bovat) at 615-944-7599

    VoiceofaModerate.GOP  this website targets the audience that Carla Wallach so artfully describes. 

James Comey (FBI), Stephen Preston (DOD) Michael Vickers (Intel Guy), James Clapper, Aaron Geduldig, Denise Natali, Mike Dorris (Credit Suisse) Dan Meyer IC Whistleblower Guy and all Others Sardar Pishdare of Kurdistan Has a Message for You... Please Read

RNC Reince I'm Going From Ranting to the Ridicules? Sharyn Bovat Turns "Moral Outburst" into New Media Company... God Bless America:):)

Former Karl Rove Operative Op Researcher Voices Support for Childers in Mississippi Senate Race - Sharyn Bovat Worked for Henry Barbour in 90's & Says Good Ole Boy Cronyism Has Gone to Far & Congress Needs CHANGE

Reince Priebus Tell This to Your Establishment Elitist the Voice of a Moderate (Whose Fiscally Conservative Yet Supports Gay Marriage & is Pro Choice) Endorses Ed Gillespie Because Congress Needs "Fresh Ideas" Ed;s Healthcare Proposal is the Best Alternative to Obamacare I've Seen - Do NOT Understand HOW it Can Help My Demographic BUT it Takes Away Barriers that Have Hurt Others. It Brings Back a Free Market Individual Driven Healthcare System.

A few weeks ago I woke up early on a Saturday morning just drive out to Lorton VA  to watch Ed Gillespie speak at his Senate campaign HQ. I wanted to hear his speech on the economy- EG2 and it was impressive but just another stump speech.  
The event impressed me with the availability of Dunkin Donut's coffee.  Sitting next to his wife I knew Ed was a good decision maker Cathy Gillespie is "grade A" but this voice of a moderate makes very few endorsements because she tries to be "objective".... so Ed had to "wow" me to get my endorsement.  Also how I'm respected by a candidate and campaign makes a difference on an endorsement too.  Still pissed off that Ed's campaign minions blocked me from twitter (when i don't like something i tweet it) that made me fear that he would NOT listen to voices that counter the opinion of his.  Then Ed did the honorable thing he broke the NRSC "selfie" with single women rule.  That put him at neutral & the new proposed Obamacare alternative made Ed Gillespie the 2nd politician I'm supporting in this election.  

Stafford County Sun-Oct 13, 2014
What i really don't understand is I'm a GREAT op researcher and the Clinton campaign wanted me .... Why does the GOP not?  It's like do we really have to get along ALL the time?

Reince Priebus, Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie I'm Having Trouble Publishing My .GOP Website Guess Ya'll Have "Kinks" to Work Out? Is Henry Barbour Controlling the APPROVED Button. Ya'll the GOP is for FREEDOM & That Includes Freedom of Speech.


 I have every intention of making a website that is RESPECTFUL to the GOP but first the GOP needs to RESPECT me.

iBought SharynBovat.GOP and iBought a website builder package and NOW my domain won't publish and the website builder says it's .GOP that is "stalling"...  Why?   

Once I make my point the GOP will LOVE my new website cause I want to show moderate mainstream America "what" the GOP stands for.... until my website is published I fear the GOP stands for oppression & suppression.  PLEASE tell me I'm wrong  - have one of your IT "elite" fix it.

Sharyn Bovat 615-944-7599
I did pay ya'll for the domains & even the "surcharge" for foreign banking. Why did ya'll use "off shore" banks?   How many people NOT in America will use a bank in Ireland?   the pic shows i had to pay a surcharge using AMEX to buy .gop domain  

James Comey Tell the FBI to Listen to Molly O'Toole of Defense One News- She Needs to Be Heard.... The Bad Spending of American Taxpayers Money Overseas is Being "Covered Up" ... To Protect Who?

*** Republicans Win.... Is It Bush's Fault? *** Karl Rove, Reince Priebus I Think Jeb Bush NOW Can Run for President... I Say That Cause I Need a Job & This Might Be Clinton Big Donor Asked Me About Jeb Saying "He's the ONLY Clinton Alternative"... So Have Him Run and Give Me a Job... Win-Win:):) Ya'll Should Cut Ed Gillespie a Big Check He Proved He's Got Meat in His Dish.. He Did Great Now He's the Heir to the Next GOP Race in Virginia ...


 Last Night I had "hope" Ed would win.... What he did win is he's the RIGHTFUL HEIR to the next Senate seat up in VA or he can run against my cousin Terry:):)

Guy asked me today "if" I'd consider doing research for Jeb....I thought about it & I like Florida in the winter time:):)
Call me - 615-944-7599

just don't put me on any team with Henry Barbour.... that is "if" you want the GOP to "respect" diversity:):) 



Karl Rove & Reince Priebus Is ANYONE Surprised About Haley Barbour's "Tar Baby" Comment... I'm ONLY Surprised that "That Many" Big Donors Still Listen to the BIG FART... Haley Barbour is a Poster Child for GOP Racism & So is Henry Barbour & their What's Giving the GOP a Bad Name.


Politico-6 hours ago

Haley Barbour
 called President Barack Obama's policies “tar babies” ... According to a person on the call, Barbour was noting how rare it is for ...
Haley Barbour apologizes for using term tar babies
Jackson Clarion Ledger-2 hours ago

I give Haley Barbour credit for the quick apology.  The guy is a racist Good Ole Boy but he's smart & the black community loves (or tolerates him) cause he'll vote for govt funded programs that keep minority groups muzzled & oppressed. Heck the Mississippi black community took PAC money to vote for Thad Cochran in the MS primary. The MSM was silent. I used to work for Henry Barbour & I have pictures of a black guy he paid to follow him around.  That's how the Good Ole Boys operate.  Henry told me when I questioned him the guy was to NOT work only be there... he said if he did anything he'd mess it up.  I blame the man that allowed to be a "cover" for Henry Barbour as much as I blame Henry for being a racist.  When I saw that Reince Priebus put  Henry on the GOP diversity team I knew what would happen.  The GOP would pay blacks to be black.  I've been told that YES!  I'm right.  Those born not white working in the RNC today are "hand picked" for their color or religion and for their silence.  The politics in Mississippi is beyond disgusting as in the politics in the GOP  and America will continue to be a racist nation when Blacks and Whites continue to respect & take the money of those connected to Haley Barbour allies & their GOP crony allies.  Oddly the US Chamber is now a backer of Hilary Clinton. I was told that she's NOW a member of the Good Ole Boy network... guess we gotta change the name.

James Comey Please This Former Karl Rove Operative Trained Op Researcher in a Federal Protection Program. the DOD Whistleblower Fears Hillary Clinton's Machine Targeted Her & Others in Reference to the TWA flight 800 Cover-Up: Sharyn Bovat Says "I did NOT participate in domestic cover-ups ONLY international... & I only got involved with the cover-up of Pan Am 103 cause my Uncle Bill Frisbie was the Chief Pilot of Pan Am".... NOW Sharyn Bovat Has Suffered MULTIPLE Cyber Attacks, 2 Car Accidents and Says She's Been Posinesed By Unethical People in a MIC/CIA Clique. Sharyn Says She's Blogged to Expose Them and Got Issues to Blog About from Federal Insiders Fighting an 'Internal Battle of Control'....


  • Voice of a Moderate - Sharyn Bovat : Mainstream Media ...

    Mar 24, 2014 - The Lockerbie Truth & the real facts of TWA flight 800 have been suppressed. Who gains "if" the Malaysian Air disaster is covered up... the ...
    You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 11/24/14
  • Nissan Whistleblower: Buck Revell I Need You to Fess Up ...

    Nov 17, 2013 - Sharyn Bovat Believes Justice is Elusive in Tennessee. NOW Another ... He will know about the TWA flight 800 cover up too. I told Mr. Revell I ...
    You've visited this page 5 times. Last visit: 8/6/14

  • Nissan Whistleblower: DOD Whistleblower Admits DIA ...

    Nov 21, 2013 - The blog of Sharyn Bovat the NISSAN Whistleblower. ..... Verge" People are Doing "overtime" Cause Once Lockerbie is Exposed then TWA 800 ...
    You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 11/18/14

  • James Comey (FBI), John Brennan (CIA), Leslie Caldwell (DOJ) & So Many Others it's Time to End the Era of Crony Funded Torture Protectors - Please Lets Free John Kiriakou


    Last Week iDid something similar.... can ya'll end the Internal battle of control.... It's just getting too creepy:):) 

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
    Subject: Given Blackberry #'s of a couple dozen people that can help end era of CIA cronyism 
    Date: December 7, 2014 at 10:45:07 PM EST
    To: "dgarrison@barrettjohnston.com"<dgarrison@barrettjohnston.com>, "jesselynr@whistleblower.org"<jesselynr@whistleblower.org>, Mark@markzaid.com, rweingarten@steptoe.com, medea@codepink.org, "ed@edgillespiestrategies.com"<ed@edgillespiestrategies.com>, daniepm5@ucia.gov, olparko@aol.com, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>, eloftus@uci.edu

     Last week I was told to go to Darrel Issa's office - I got that and nobody there BUT a list was left for me of people to contact that included their blackberry #'s ... How weird is this gonna get? 

    Ed Gillespie, Karl Rove, Sal Russo Other GOP Operatives Looks Like Moderates Want Change... Using Same Technique Done to Accurately Call Ed Gillespie's Senate Margins (I Said He'd Lose By Less Than 4 Points LAST May) I Did 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Who Connect to Moderate Voters.


    Ya'll I was right about Ed Gillespie, if he ran for president he'd probably get a 6-7 too.  I'm looking for sponsors for the new website. political pulse checks is what I specialize in. Currently I'm collecting data on the demographics views on climate change (data coming in is NOT what I expected.... seems like women care more about American energy independence than the planet).  

    Voice of a Moderate’s opinion polling puts a number to the reactions about various 2016 possible contenders Elizabeth Warren’s, Rand Paul’s & Ted Cruz’s higher than expected “excitability number” comes from desire of political change women in their 30’s - 50’s who reliably vote & not committed to a particular party. The low rating of Chris Christie is identified of women not trusting him & Marco Rubio is seen as a political “panderer” the importance of this research is this is a key demographic in the 2016 race for the White House. 

    Call Sharyn Bovat for details on the new website:  615-944-7599
    Please send me an iMessage first so I will answer the call.

    HELLO people that want me to do this, I'm just one person & there's a lot to do so interns are needed. 

    Anyone interested in learning CIA communications techniques i learned from Bill Lacy's people & used in the 80's when collecting data done to get America to want to fund the Contras call me.  The interns must be open minded and able to interact (start conversations) with people in casual settings.  It's a learning opportunity for an extrovert.  One that needs to have a good memory. No notes can be taken while taking the survey's for pure "reliable" data the target can't know their being surveyed. This is how we get the accuracy of a very expensive poll done at a rapid pace BUT the technique must me done by people capable of the process. 

     Below are issues people have asked for data on. 

    Ed Gillespie, Karl Rove & Reince Priebus Could I a Lowly GOP Moderate Finally Be Relevant? The Moderate Movement is Getting BIGGER....


    Please NOTE the "Middle" is getting LARGER


    Just wanted to say "I told you so".... Oddly political polling I did based on techniques i learned in the Reagan era mimiced a focus group of Peter Hart a well respected researcher.  

    It looks like America is tired of "the establishment" and they want change.  Oddly Ed Gillespie and moved from the establishment to mainstream GOP which is NOW what I call the republicans that are NOT part of the corporatist clique. To win in 2016 the party needs to unite so from now on the term RINO only refers to US Chamber GOP allies that would prefer Clinton to Rand Paul.   

    Is Elizabeth Warren Who Voters Are Looking for in 2016?

    Slate Magazine-Jan 10, 2015
    Peter Hart organized this Colorado focus group. Hart, a Democratic pollster for more than 40 years, helps conduct the Wall Street Journal/ NBC ...

    Peter D. Hart is one of the leading analysts of public opinion in the United States. Since 1971, he has been Chairman of Peter D. Hart Research Associates.


    ***Clarification*** James Comey is the FBI Investigating the Deaths of Allen Overland & Brian Sant Angelo of the Export Import Bank: Fred Hochberg YOUR former Employees deserve to have their deaths investigated.



     iSaid on video the men looked to be in their 30's. 

    I was told both looked healthy the week before.....

    What are the odds?

     Senator Richard Shelby said he did NOT know about the 2 dead Export Import Bankers.  BOTH were young and healthy. One did loan origination in IRAQ and the other Archieves. I was told "foul play" is obvious.

    James Comey Is the FBI investigating?

    I have names of other DC staffers that just "died" and i think some corrupt people are scared.  ALL deaths need to be investigated especially WEIRD ones. LOTS are linked to Haley Barbour cronyism.  I was poisoned & it's people connected to Colin Powell that saved my live.  There's an internal battle of control going on in the CIA/MIC clique and it's getting ugly. A LOT of mysterious deaths including Ryan Loskarn. In the last 4 years 1/2 dozen people that communicated to me DIED..... that seems a bit odd?

    Steve Maroon the Marketing Director of the Export Import Bank did NOT deny that they bank is a CIA linked agency used to "build good will".... let me tell you... he told me a LOT. Out of respect for him I will only talk about things that HURT America.

    Steve Maroon was Best Friends with Brian Kelley of the CIA Steve Maroon has a blank in his Linkedin Profile for the years during the Lockerbie Bombing cover-up.  Steve Maroon has a security clearance (why would a marketing guy need one?)  Steve Maroon LIED to me many times.....  Steve Maroon told me in late October/early November he didn't know "who" Haley Barbour was and ask me to remind him what he did.  HALEY BARBOUR is a lobbyist lobbying to "save" the Export Import Bank.... Steve Maroon urged me before the election to NOT blog about a tip I got about Haley Barbour corruption linked to the Thad Cochran campaign. Senator Cochran heads the appropriations committee and it seems as if his staff "lives" in Haley Barbour's pocket.

    Steve Maroon became my friend in October but didn't tell me he met my mom & knew Tom Lundell the con man that married (my mom became his 5th to 6th wife) Tom had a gambling debt (Hollywood Casino BUCK REVELL wanted my mom muzzled - i was living in the Netherlands during the Clinton framing of Megrahi. Steve Maroon DIDN't tell me that his ex wife Patty Mascari hired Honora Precourt the daughter of the con man that married my mom during the Lockerbie Cover-up part 2 (the Clinton Cover-up done with Tony Blair).  whose brother Jeff helped Tom Lundell steal hundreds of thousand from my mom. Jeff is a pool player/taxi cab driver & now I hear wanna be squatter (people are protecting my mom's house from Jeff). Both my mom & Uncle Bill who was chief pilot of Pan Am got Demention after I whistle blew. I was told that since my grandparents BOTH lived to be in their late 80's and early 90's there's no way BOTH of their kids (the ONLY two that did CIA work) could both get dementia. 

    My sister used to work for Ted Stevens & the Denali Commission and I fear for her life. Too much weird shit happens with the MIC/CIA clique is scared.  

    I've got a LOT more
    the CIA?MIC clique is connected to the cover-up of JFK's death and the bullying of Martin Luther King.  I gave Ryan Loskarn info and a week later he was arrested for porn. I was told he was "most likely" framed.
    He was gonna "talk" and his indictment delayed and then he killed himself. James Comey has "that" been addressed. Also Barbara Boxer's office knew that Ryan Loskarn did not have a security clearance or a background check. Ryan bought the porn in 2010 the Feds knew he bought it in early 2011 and Lamar Alexander hired him to be Chief of Staff in 2012- Ryan Loskarn was hired to be the Chief  of Staff making 169k a year with NO background check and no security clearance. Senator Alexander heads the Energy Committed and serves on DOD related committees. I've learned that the limited porn purchases could have been done for "someone else".... I was told in 2012 the Treauser of Marsha Blackburn's PAC Kline Preston had a porn problem. Tom Ingram is the "link"....

    "....Worse i was told my lawyer did not represent me properly cause he had a porn problem (when i was told that I thought he read too many playboys).

    FYI - my ex-lawyer knows this guy - Ryan used to work for my ex congresswoman Marsha Blackburn..."  
    Click yellow link to read entire email

    i will show in the next few weeks HOW ExIm is linked to the Lockerbie Cover-up.... The connection is a Boeing exec that told me that they (Boeing) took the "hit" for the TWA 800 crash.  It happened in 1996 when Bill Clinton was running for re-election and Boeing allowed for the "spark" scenario because they were promised a BIG contract in the next war.  I later learned that Boeing got MORE ExIm loans after that cover-up. I'm waiting for a MSM agency to report that story. It was the cover-up of TWA 800 that forced the Clintons to "proceed" with the trial of the names Lockerbie scapegoat. I'm not saying Libya didn't play a role I'm just saying that they released the guy on comppa

    Could a "Not Very Popular" Ex Governor of Maryland Be a BIGGER Threat to GOP Than Hillary Clinton .... Using Rhetoric of Sarah Palin "You Betcha"& James Comey I Think the Dems Found Someone That Ya'll at FBI NOT Investigating. Have Someone Call Me If I'm Wrong 615-944-7599

    Next: DOD WHISTLEBLOWER RATS OUT JOHN MCCAIN: James Clapper, James Comey (FBI), & John Brennan CIA I Think Cindy McCain's Husband Helped Create the "Wrongs of the World" That Ya'll are Trying to Fix. Ashton Carter a Guy at the DOD Shared with Me His Warmongering HURT America... I Was Sent Pics of Senator McCain with Current ISIS Leaders Who the Senator Wanted to Give Arms to During the Syria Crisis... It Seems Like John McCain ONLY Cares About the Defense LOBBYIST & He's Left Our Troops Who Served Multiple Tours Without the Proper Mental Health Treatment for PTSD & The Vets are MAD That Research Funding for PTSD Dogs Was CUT in 2012 & Eric Cantor Protected the Pharmaceutical Lobbyists That Got Our Vets Addicted to Pain Pills. MANY PTSD Survivors (Some Amputees) Have Told Me They'd Rather Have a PUPPY Than a Pill.

    Martin O'Malley is gonna let journalist PERUSE his emails... you gotta see this 5 second clip.

    I'd like to see Martin O'Malley help the Vets get PTSD Dogs

    DOD WHISTLEBLOWER RATS OUT JOHN MCCAIN: James Clapper, James Comey (FBI), & John Brennan CIA I Think Cindy McCain's Husband Helped Create the "Wrongs of the World" That Ya'll are Trying to Fix. Ashton Carter a Guy at the DOD Shared with Me His Warmongering HURT America... I Was Sent Pics of Senator McCain with Current ISIS Leaders Who the Senator Wanted to Give Arms to During the Syria Crisis... It Seems Like John McCain ONLY Cares About the Defense LOBBYIST & He's Left Our Troops Who Served Multiple Tours Without the Proper Mental Health Treatment for PTSD & The Vets are MAD That Research Funding for PTSD Dogs Was CUT in 2012 & Eric Cantor Protected the Pharmaceutical Lobbyists That Got Our Vets Addicted to Pain Pills. MANY PTSD Survivors (Some Amputees) Have Told Me They'd Rather Have a PUPPY Than a Pill.

     “I’m going to be the target of a wide array of powerful groups.”
    US Senator John McCain

     “I know here in Arizona there is some dissatisfaction with the representation that’s been going down, at least the last couple of terms he’s been in office. I don’t think that he’s as popular as he used to be, and maybe that worries him that there are people out there looking and thinking and considering jumping into that race.”  Potential McCain primary challenger Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward
     “Every day when I turn on the news, I am horrified at the state of the world today, but I take comfort in knowing that leaders like my husband are working day and night to right the wrongs of the world.” Cindy McCain 

    MY BLOGS are FILLED with issues that directly involved those that profited from the Clinton Spy network. A very good source told me Henry Kissinger desperately wants Clinton to succeed. Oddly John McCain is a big supporter of Henry Kissinger. The 2010 stimulas that hurt America (created few jobs costing over 2 million each & most of the jobs were temp) that stimulus helped foreign countries (China, Germany, Spain & others) more than America. Lots of bond debt that will be due in the next 5-10 years & i was told that we'll have another recession. Because many US backed bonds had bad collateral that were approved Timothy Geithner ( a Henry Kissinger protege).

    Sadly the story of Hillary Clinton having "Secret Spies" is happening while I'm with my child on a Spring Break trip. Luckily unlike Hillary I have Access to my email: Soon I'll post one that's VERY damning involving the State Dept IGO and Benghazi.

    People connected to Henry Kissinger's "dark side".... think Condor and Nazi Protection have talked to me for YEARS & gave me info on Hillary Clinton's "SPY NETWORK"....   They believe for the good of our nation it must be exposed. The CIA no longer is the intel agency it's supposed to be.  The experience US spies have gone to private companies and have greatly profited leaving the US President with intel created by people that have less experience.  it's complicated. I'll explain later. MY BLOGS are FILLED with issues that directly involved those that profited from the Clinton Spy network. A very good source told me Henry Kissinger desperately wants Clinton to succeed. Oddly John McCain is a big supporter of Henry Kissinger. The 2010 stimulas that hurt America (created few jobs costing over 2 million each & most of the jobs were temp) that stimulus helped foreign countries (China, Germany, Spain & others) more than America. Lots of bond debt that will be due in the next 5-10 years & i was told that we'll have another recession. Because many US backed bonds had bad collateral that were approved Timothy Geithner ( a Henry Kissinger protege).


    I will admit that in the mid 90's I did some spying for people that are  NOW known as the Clinton Secret Spy Network.  Some in the network were  people that knew me as a child and they controlled me UNTIL my grandfather told me to "get away from them" ... this was after the TWA 800 cover-up. That cover-up was done solely for the Clinton's political gain and had NO national security relevance. Unlike the Lockerbie Bombing cover-up.  ClintonCoverUp.com 

    People that work at federal agencies fear a Hillary Clinton presidency. She's aligned herself with HIGHLY unethical profiteers & I've been told that the Dick Cheney spy network worked with the Hillary Clinton spy network and NOW they're complaining about the Clinton network saying their much worse than any secret spy network.  It's must be known that the people responsible for Iran Contra & Reagan era cover-ups  (NOT Oliver North, he just did what he was told) are members of the Clinton Spy Network.  George H Bush FIRED or demoted some of them.  Some fired who stayed GOP became part of Cheney spy network.   It's complicated.

    Please read these links and you'll get some background on HOW deep rooted the Clinton network is.  Tony Blair had mad hundred of millions as a Clinton minion.

    The 3 men at Renault who were falsely accused of being spies were victims of the network.  Strauss Kahn was a victim of the network.  Nicholas Sarkozy took over 50 Million from Gaddafi (The Libyan dude accused of the Lockerbie bombing)

    Read how the network was caught framing 3 men at Renault.


    Clinton spy network had Libyan oil minister that knew Lockerbie truth killed a week before Sarkozy lost.

    Gotta take my kid to Typhoon Lagoon
    Show less

    NEW FEATURE: Voice of a Moderate Promotes Good Things in Happening the GOP Every Friday:):)

    Previous: DOD WHISTLEBLOWER RATS OUT JOHN MCCAIN: James Clapper, James Comey (FBI), & John Brennan CIA I Think Cindy McCain's Husband Helped Create the "Wrongs of the World" That Ya'll are Trying to Fix. Ashton Carter a Guy at the DOD Shared with Me His Warmongering HURT America... I Was Sent Pics of Senator McCain with Current ISIS Leaders Who the Senator Wanted to Give Arms to During the Syria Crisis... It Seems Like John McCain ONLY Cares About the Defense LOBBYIST & He's Left Our Troops Who Served Multiple Tours Without the Proper Mental Health Treatment for PTSD & The Vets are MAD That Research Funding for PTSD Dogs Was CUT in 2012 & Eric Cantor Protected the Pharmaceutical Lobbyists That Got Our Vets Addicted to Pain Pills. MANY PTSD Survivors (Some Amputees) Have Told Me They'd Rather Have a PUPPY Than a Pill.

    Sen. John McCain to mark trout restoration deal

    Washington Times - ‎54 minutes ago‎
    John McCain is helping a Bullhead City area hatchery celebrate a return to operations. McCain is scheduled to attend a ceremony Friday afternoon marking an agreement between federal and state agencies to restock Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery. 

    McCain to attend trout ceremony

    Mohave Valley News - ‎Apr 2, 2015‎
    BULLHEAD CITY — Several of the key players in getting rainbow trout stocking restored to the Colorado River will be in town for a ceremony Friday, including U.S. Sen. John McCain. The Arizona Republican worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and ... 

    Happy Friday - Good News For James Comey & the FBI This "Free Speecher" Was Threatened But NOT Arrested For Taking Pictures & Videos with My iPhone (it was on SILENT) at the US Capital During the Fred Hochberg's Export Import Public Hearing I Stood Up for My Right's & Congressional Staffer That Said it Was ILLEGAL to Take Pics with iPhone Backed Down.


    Obviously the Export Import elite are mad at me for "this" ...  what was odd is that I was told taking iPhone pics & videos were "illegal" during a public hearing after i had been doing it for over 2 hours. I think my tweets were pissing off congress. Guess they'll have to learn "to deal with it" Americans have the right to tweet:):) 

    I had been sitting quietly in the 2nd row next to an ExIm employee who was delightful, it was the lady pictured to the right that confirmed that Latrell "prepped" Fred and they had a focus group. Another employee made a joke & said "whose relatives?".... that's relevant cause Fred said he just got the info at 12:50 (something).  Stephen Maroon the Marketing Director had told me that Exim used taxpayer money for focus groups fro the new logo & that bothered me. ONLY did I speak up when the former Marketing Dir (who I dated from Oct - Jan) told me that 2 men died over Martin Luther King weekend and both healthy the Wednesday before.

     Stephen Maroon even sent me the email Fred Hochberg sent to the banks employees offering grief counseling and I sent that info to the FBI. I later learned that due to my actions wire-taps most likely happened. (I didn't even knew the FBI still did those...I thought it was all digital, James Comey If I'm wrong let me know 615-944-7599). Anyway I've been a "thorn" to those seeking the banks reauthorization

     & he confirmed BOTH dead ExIm bankers were perceived healthy prior to both of their mysterious deaths during Martin Luther King weekend. He's leaving the bank and headed to a job in the defense industry and is a really good guy. I'm grateful that ethical people at ExIm are finding work for good private sector companies.  I've been told the bank has had a mass exodus of skilled employees and Fred Hochberg has had to hire a LOT of newbies. 

    Check out these videos from yesterday.

    James Comey i just CC'd the FBI on an Email to US Chamber Execs Telling Them I Got PROOF the People That Bullied Me Linked to the Export Import "Weapons" Issue. I'm SCARED of Being Bullied More BUT I've Got ETHICAL Members of the US Army on My Side & They HATE Ex Marine Generals that Become Pitchmen for Venders Hawking Weapons. Everyone Knows General James Jones is the "Go To Guy" for Crony Capitalism & We Need to Pass Laws That Say Generals Can't Be Lobbyist for 5+ Years After Retirement ....


    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
    Subject: New DOD Whistleblower Brocuher accuses US Chamber of Malicioulsy Bullying Her Because They Want the Export Import Bank to Insure Weapons Deals & Sharyn Bovat wants NOTHING More Than a JOB w/Healthcare & to NOT live in Fear 
    Date: May 21, 2015 at 11:29:36 AM PDT
    To: "kchoksy@uschamber.com"<kchoksy@uschamber.com>, "press@uschamber.com"<press@uschamber.com>, "europe@uschamber.com"<europe@uschamber.com>, "mchorlins@uschamber.com"<mchorlins@uschamber.com>, "partner@uschamber.com"<partner@uschamber.com>, "pchase@uschamber.com"<pchase@uschamber.com>, "southasia@uschamber.com"<southasia@uschamber.com>, "rtowle@uschamber.com"<rtowle@uschamber.com>
    Cc: washington.field@ic.fbi.gov, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>

    YOU people at the Chamber can keep bullying me BUT I want it on record the trucking industry connected to the Chamber’s President has terrorized me for 6 years and you can see a you tube video by going to my new website

    James Comey Can the FBI Tell Senator Mark Kirk (IL) That There's a LOT of Ongoing Investigations With the Export Import Bank: The Blue Dog Dems & Haley Barbour Republicans Can't See the Corruptions Issues. TWO Men DIED Over MLK Weekend & It's Linked to Russia Deals Involving Clinton Donors & That Agency Needs to Be Gone or Gutted. Congressman Denny Heck There are OTHER Ways to Help Boeing Via the Commerce Dept & Rep Brad Ashford the SBA Can Help Small Business


    Begin forwarded message:

    From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
    Subject: Exim issue I told FBI about and that I shared with reporter  
    Date: June 4, 2015 at 6:39:29 AM PDT
    To: "Matt_Abbott@Kirk.Senate.gov"<Matt_Abbott@Kirk.Senate.gov>


    This is Sharyn I met you at the Chamber event: I've got a lot of issues with ExIm I'm a political moderate & don't mind spending taxpayer money to create jobs BUT that agency has too many issues - call me & I'll bring you a list. 615-944-7599.  If the agency survives it has to be gutted & cleaned up. The ONLY logical solution is letting other agencies handle the good parts of the bank than to save it. The corruption is that bad 

    Also I've got an issue the my congressman Peter Roskam is working on & I might need your help to- it involves the CIA 

    I'm sure you knew that Exim is a cia cover company - kindof like USAid. A lot of really sleazy deals. I don't mind Boeing getting money- why can't Commerce give it to them & SBA ensure small businesses? 

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:
    From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
    Date: June 2, 2015 at 11:02:13 AM CDT
    To: a reporter
    Subject: Exim issues in copy of email from Fred Hochberg 
    There are over 30 criminal investigations - at last hearing an employee headed to BAE told me the agency is crumbling fast 

    This is who I dated

    Sent from my iPhone

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