Click Here to Read Post About HOW Mitt is Linked to NAZI Gold Profiteering
Click Here to Read a Post That Links the Romney Family to IRAN
Click Here to Email Eric Holder
Tell Him to INVESTIGATE "ALL" Private Equity Companies That Do NOT Disclose WHO They Do Business with. It's only fair to the taxpayers.
Sorry Tagg Romney, Mitt Romney, Bill Haslam, Jimmy Haslam and Mike Loya looks like the FEDS know "what" your doing. NOW be honest with America.
Good News for the Taxpayer & bad news for the Wall Street fraudsters James Comey starts tomorrow.
On Tuesday, Happy 90th birthday to Mort Walker, who created "Beetle Bailey" 63 years ago -- making it one of the oldest comic strips still being produced by its original creator.
Wednesday will see a change at the top of the FBI. Director Robert Mueller steps down after 12 years; former deputy Attorney General James Comey takes over.