Channel: Voice of a GOP Moderate
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Lets Get Condoleezza Rice to Take Care of the Haslam Headache .... The GOP Does NOT Need to Support a Good Ole Boy Governors Family Business... The FRAUD in Tennessee is REAL.. Break the STORY Then the Storm is OVER Before 2014.

Next: Jenny Sanford Blog Taken Down - If NONE of the GOP Pacs Give to Gabriel Gomez MAYBE Al Gore Will? Mr. Gore- It's a Win-Win Gabriel Gomez Could Be the BRIDGE Needed to Get the GOP Green? Al Gore - ONE More Question... How About Letting Me Plan YOUR Wedding? Sir- Come On....YOU'RE a Decent Guy You and Elizabeth Keadle Should Get Married. We Could Get Tipper to Be the Photographer.... How Progressive is That? Sir- I Had an Emotionally Tough Week... Luckily Yesterday My PTSD is in Remission. Sadly My Shrink Says I'm STILL Sane.... So NO Government Funded Healthcare for Me. Damn!!! He Thinks That By Working and Integrating with Society My PTSD Will NOT Be an ISSUE. The People Connected to NISSAN & Green Fraud Bullied Me and I've Been Isolated for Almost 4 Years.... Mr. Gore - I Stood Up for the Planet When I Heard That They Wanted the Electric Car to Fail and I Stoop Up for the Taxpayers Too. What Keeps Me Going NOW are My Blogs Viewers That Communicate to Me The NEED for Someone to Speak Out on Behalf of the Middle Class. A Group of People that the Majority Believe in Global Warming..... Back to the Corruption IssueSome Have Told Me That THey've NEVER Seen the Good Ole Boys So Scared. One Viewers Told Me That Those in the Tennessee Pilot Flying J "Haslam" Clique That Wasted Dept. of Energy Money & Have Profiteered By Doing Business in IRAN . They are The People in Tennessee That Made YOU Lose The Elections in 2000...Sir- If I Bring Down Haslam I Bring Down The People That Got YOU Depressed in 2001 -Mr. Gore. Come On Sir.... Lets Form an Alliance and Fuck Em:):) That Said - They are NOT Directly Connected to the Bush Family So Respectfully I Think YOU Need to Tell Your Liberal Allies to STOP Blaming George W. Bush for EVERYTHING.... Tell the Liberals to Be Civil & Lets Just Be NICE - At Least UNTIL 2014. Right NOW We Need to Get the Economy Going... Thank You!!!

Condoleezza Rice is a GOP Moderate But NOT Connected to Haslam Family Cronyism.

The fact is companies in Tennessee are not too fond of "black people".....

I will testify under oath that I was told racist comments by Haslam supporters.

Racism is a Tennessee thing & I'm not singling out  Pilot Flying J exclusively for discrimination it's "just" the culture in the South....

The Good Ole Boys have a clique and if you want to know more call me:

 Sharyn Bovat

Anyway- They don't like to promote women and I was told that they don't like Jewish accountants... They are "too accurate"....

OMG!!! women in NISSAN went from 20.9% women in management in 2006 down to 10% the year I whistle blew.  I have "internal NISSAN data" and the Tennessean owned by Gannett refuses to report it... Heck even Jalopnik reported it....

"Bovat contends while 21% of Nissan's managers were women in California, the share had fallen to 10% in 2009 following the move to Tennessee...."

Search Results

  1. Discrimination at NISSAN - Solyndra~NISSAN~Obama


    Discrimination at NISSAN. Tennessee is the MOST Corrupt State in America and it's run by a BUNCH of Good Ole Boys! Content copyright . sharynbovat.

Jenny Sanford Blog Taken Down - If NONE of the GOP Pacs Give to Gabriel Gomez MAYBE Al Gore Will? Mr. Gore- It's a Win-Win Gabriel Gomez Could Be the BRIDGE Needed to Get the GOP Green? Al Gore - ONE More Question... How About Letting Me Plan YOUR Wedding? Sir- Come On....YOU'RE a Decent Guy You and Elizabeth Keadle Should Get Married. We Could Get Tipper to Be the Photographer.... How Progressive is That? Sir- I Had an Emotionally Tough Week... Luckily Yesterday My PTSD is in Remission. Sadly My Shrink Says I'm STILL Sane.... So NO Government Funded Healthcare for Me. Damn!!! He Thinks That By Working and Integrating with Society My PTSD Will NOT Be an ISSUE. The People Connected to NISSAN & Green Fraud Bullied Me and I've Been Isolated for Almost 4 Years.... Mr. Gore - I Stood Up for the Planet When I Heard That They Wanted the Electric Car to Fail and I Stoop Up for the Taxpayers Too. What Keeps Me Going NOW are My Blogs Viewers That Communicate to Me The NEED for Someone to Speak Out on Behalf of the Middle Class. A Group of People that the Majority Believe in Global Warming..... Back to the Corruption IssueSome Have Told Me That THey've NEVER Seen the Good Ole Boys So Scared. One Viewers Told Me That Those in the Tennessee Pilot Flying J "Haslam" Clique That Wasted Dept. of Energy Money & Have Profiteered By Doing Business in IRAN . They are The People in Tennessee That Made YOU Lose The Elections in 2000...Sir- If I Bring Down Haslam I Bring Down The People That Got YOU Depressed in 2001 -Mr. Gore. Come On Sir.... Lets Form an Alliance and Fuck Em:):) That Said - They are NOT Directly Connected to the Bush Family So Respectfully I Think YOU Need to Tell Your Liberal Allies to STOP Blaming George W. Bush for EVERYTHING.... Tell the Liberals to Be Civil & Lets Just Be NICE - At Least UNTIL 2014. Right NOW We Need to Get the Economy Going... Thank You!!!

Sharyn Bovat has Decided to Start "Ranting" on Behalf of the Middle Class.
Issues in this YouTube Video include:  Good Ole Boys,  GOP & Military's Lack of Respect for Women, Hispanics, How ObamaCare does NOTHING for the Middle Class, Benghazi Too.

Gabriel Gomez Gives GOP Moderates That Believe in Global Warming Hope.....


If Tesla Can Pay Back America Why Can't NISSAN? Why Does the Dept. of Energy NOT Release Terms of the NISSAN DOE Loan that is Financed from the Bank Connected to the Treasury?

Previous: Jenny Sanford Blog Taken Down - If NONE of the GOP Pacs Give to Gabriel Gomez MAYBE Al Gore Will? Mr. Gore- It's a Win-Win Gabriel Gomez Could Be the BRIDGE Needed to Get the GOP Green? Al Gore - ONE More Question... How About Letting Me Plan YOUR Wedding? Sir- Come On....YOU'RE a Decent Guy You and Elizabeth Keadle Should Get Married. We Could Get Tipper to Be the Photographer.... How Progressive is That? Sir- I Had an Emotionally Tough Week... Luckily Yesterday My PTSD is in Remission. Sadly My Shrink Says I'm STILL Sane.... So NO Government Funded Healthcare for Me. Damn!!! He Thinks That By Working and Integrating with Society My PTSD Will NOT Be an ISSUE. The People Connected to NISSAN & Green Fraud Bullied Me and I've Been Isolated for Almost 4 Years.... Mr. Gore - I Stood Up for the Planet When I Heard That They Wanted the Electric Car to Fail and I Stoop Up for the Taxpayers Too. What Keeps Me Going NOW are My Blogs Viewers That Communicate to Me The NEED for Someone to Speak Out on Behalf of the Middle Class. A Group of People that the Majority Believe in Global Warming..... Back to the Corruption IssueSome Have Told Me That THey've NEVER Seen the Good Ole Boys So Scared. One Viewers Told Me That Those in the Tennessee Pilot Flying J "Haslam" Clique That Wasted Dept. of Energy Money & Have Profiteered By Doing Business in IRAN . They are The People in Tennessee That Made YOU Lose The Elections in 2000...Sir- If I Bring Down Haslam I Bring Down The People That Got YOU Depressed in 2001 -Mr. Gore. Come On Sir.... Lets Form an Alliance and Fuck Em:):) That Said - They are NOT Directly Connected to the Bush Family So Respectfully I Think YOU Need to Tell Your Liberal Allies to STOP Blaming George W. Bush for EVERYTHING.... Tell the Liberals to Be Civil & Lets Just Be NICE - At Least UNTIL 2014. Right NOW We Need to Get the Economy Going... Thank You!!!

NISSAN they made a LOT of money..I was told they are doing "fuzzy" math. 

The only way to know for sure is to "call" them on it.  The shareholders need to know the truth a "if" NISSAN really is solvent they should IMMEDIATELY pay America back the 1.4 Billion dollars.  

Tesla "prepaid" their electric car debt... NISSAN should to. Why should the taxpayers continue to have liablity on what seems to be the CEO's "bad bet"..... Carlos Ghosn has already admitted that the Leaf is NOT living up to expectations. Gannett reports 300 jobs were created BUT those employees are also building gasoline engine cars.... The real # is about 100 jobs.  OUCH!!! 

WHY has the Dept. of Energy NOT release the terms of the NISSAN deal?


Thank You Darrell Issa for the Hearing- They Helped EXPLAIN the Situation to America. The Political Party That Comes Up with Nations Security SOLUTIONS Will Win.

GOP Moderate Harassed By IRS in 2010 & 2011 & Was Told That Tax Issue Was Resolved When Tea Party IRS Issue Originally Found....


Whistleblowers Tied to Recently Exposed Tea Party IRS Abuse & Benghazi Scandal  -  Sharyn Had Exposed Fraud Being Done in Reference to President Obama's Pet Project.  The Cincinnati IRS Office Was the SAME that Harassed Bovat & the Conservative Groups So Whose The Wolf?

Bovat received numerous letters from IRS making threats if she did not pay taxes that she did not owe.  a LOT of time was spent getting the issue resolved.  Sharyn learned upon resolution in early 2012 that "others" were having problems with the IRS too.  Now watching the news the whistleblower knows that she was targeted for her speaking out about NISSAN fraud.  

For almost 2 years I had to fight the IRS and that bullying done by NISSAN and the Federal Government was NOT welcome.  The IRS should have responded the 1st time that Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn intervened..... Not the 3rd time.   Shouldn't members of congress spend their time on the ECONOMY and not issues that are just petty retaliation.  What's scary is NISSAN never  got fined for NOT doing their forms correctly.

Sharyn even mentioned the IRS issue in a a press release
In reference to Sharyn's legal battle as of now the prosecution against her continues. Sharyn’s blood pressure last night was 153/93 and she’s tired of blogging about corruption. Sharyn says her goal in 2012 is for her to have a "normal" life.
Sharyn hopes this is her last press release on “this issue” but is anticipating another one soon. She got a letter from the IRS about her 2009 tax return. Bovat has reached out to Rep. Marsha Blackburn about this issue and then spoke to official at the IRS. I

Sharyn even reached out to Renault to help with my taxes read more after the Benghazi connection.

Stephen Preston the Alleged Relative of Sharyn's ex lawyer that did NOT disclose his conflicts of interests....  Most Likely is WHY BenghaziGate Happened....

FYI- the man that'S Bovat's "ex lawyer" Kline Preston said was his brother is Stephen Preston the General Counsel from the CIA.  He's the person the quashed the "talking points" for Benghazi.  I was told by a VERY good source that he CIA is WHY the cover up and that is WHY I have defended Hillary Clinton.  Still her office "let" it happen.  I believe that the CULTURE of the various agencies need to change and a push to let the non partisan long term staffers have more say and more RESPECT is needed.  


Wow.... The NISSAN Whistleblower is a "few" degrees from the Benghazi issue.... 

4:20 p.m.: Stephen Preston, the CIA’s general counsel, responds that U.S. officials should avoid making any statements that suggested specific groups were responsible for the attack: “In light of the criminal investigation, we are not to generate statements with assessments as to who did this, etc. — even internally, not to mention for public release.”

4:42 p.m.: In email traffic within the CIA, Morell scrubbed the talking points of the Al Qaeda reference, changing the language to read that the “crowd almost certainly was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of Libyan society. The investigation is on-going as to who is responsible. That being said, we do know that Islamic extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.”

 Since Mr. Tavares told me to communicate at his Japanese email address I used his to ask about help with the IRS issues....  

From: sharynbovat@aol.com [mailto:sharynbovat@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 10:53 AM
To: Bill.Hagerty@tn.govBrad.M.Smith@tn.govKingsley.Brock@tn.govPaul.Fassbender@tn.govPhilip.Trauernicht@tn.gov;Betsy.Vandam@tn.govWill.Alexander@tn.gov
Cc: romain.serman@diplomatie.gouv.frstephane.remy@diplomatie.gouv.frclement.bertrand@diplomatie.gouv.fr;clementine.bernon@diplomatie.gouv.frannabelle.howell@gmail.com; rjohnston@newschannel5.com; jeremy.finley@wsmv.com; todd.alhart@ge.com
Subject: Sharyn Bovat Needs Tennessee to Communicate Tax issue with NISSAN.... Also my blog will "most likely" be mentioned in Solyndra Scandal......

Tennessee ECD Office:
??? Can someone tell Mr. Becker of NISSAN to re file my 1099. FYI-  I told NISSAN in February 2010 (after I whistle blew) that is was not correct and now the IRS wants it amended.  I believe NISSAN did  NOT fix the 1099 because they were mad at me for whistle blowing.   

"if" I'm not assured the 1099 will be amended then I was told to "talk to my member of congress" & I think Marsha Blackburn is busy with the economy.

Preview of Next Week:

Nissan & Solyndra got their DOE loans at the time, same people, same bank.  Solyndra visitors came to my blog 1143 times. A friend of Carlos Ghosn's who owns a SOLAR company said "it was a tool to prove the need for energy independence"   Yesterday I was told most likely my blog will mentioned in emails that the Republican members of congress are requesting in the hearings about Solyndra.  .  The same person that told me this said: “Rahm Emanuel” was ultimately responsible for Gannett not reporting about my whistle blowing.

GOP committee seeks Obama e-mails on Solyndra
By David Jackson, USA TODAY
A Republican-run House committee may be setting up an interesting legal battle with the White House over privileged information.
The subject: President Obama's e-mails.
The topic: Solyndra
The House Energy and Commerce Committee has sent a letter to White House lawyers seeking any West Wing communications on the decision to grant the now-bankrupt Solyndra a $535 billion taxpayer loan.
That request includes any e-mails that may have been sent by the president himself, making specific reference to "electronic mail."
Previous White House and congressional investigating committee have clashed over what information can be released and what presidents can keep confidential.
But never has a disclosure dispute involved presidential e-mail.
Obama, you'll recall, insisted on keeping a Blackberry after moving into the White House. He has a special e-mail account.
We don't know whether Obama ever sent or received any e-mails on Solyndra -- or, if he did, whether Congress would be entitled to look at them.
The request comes as the head of the Department of Energy's loans office is leaving for a Washington think tank amid criticism of the $535 million federal loan that went to Solyndra; DOE officials said Jonathan Silver told superiors in July he would be leaving in the fall.
Solyndra's bankruptcy has been a political embarrassment for Obama, who visited the company in 2010 and touted it as an example of his green energy program
At his news conference yesterday, Obama defended the Solyndra loan today as part of an overall effort to help create new energy industries in the United States.
"Now, we knew from the start that the loan guarantee program was going to entail some risk, by definition," the president said. "If it was a risk-free proposition, then we wouldn't have to worry about it. But the overall portfolio has been successful."

Peace and Respect

Sharyn Bovat

Yes!!! I Think the Ryan Fogle Story is Ridicules and YES I'm Going to Use it To Draw Attention to the Abuse of Taxpayer Money Used to Fund Companies That Do Business with IRAN. It's NOT Fair When Companies &/or People Don't Play By the Rules of Society.


 The Ryan Fogle Story is RIDICULES!!!

Strange case of Ryan Fogle and the spies who never came in from the Cold War

Mirror.co.uk - ‎14 hours ago‎
The arrest of US diplomat Ryan Christopher Fogle in Moscow this week on spying charges had a distinctly retro feel. In a flash, we were transported back to the Cold War. It seems that neither country has moved on. Russia is a deeply conservative country ...

Russia reveals Moscow CIA station chief's identity

BBC News - ‎7 hours ago‎
It follows Moscow's decision to expel US diplomat Ryan Fogle, who was accused of trying to recruit a Russian intelligence officer as a spy. Mr Fogle, a purported CIA agent, was arrested on Tuesday while wearing a blond wig and was briefly detained. Russia ...

Ryan Fogle: Russia claims American they arrested was head of CIA in Moscow

Mirror.co.uk - ‎21 hours ago‎
Ryan Fogle was paraded on state television after he was found to be in possession of an alleged spy kit, which included a wig, dark glasses and a compass. The naming of Fogle provoked fury in Washington because the identities of agents arrested either in ...


Plus if NOBODY cares that the Haslam family does business with Iran than "who am I to complain".... Heck The NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn should share MORE technology with Iran .... Is "that" what people want?  The mainstream media is silent.  Why? 

I've been complaining about it and have been bullied.  It seems like NOBODY cares....  OK  then I will ask Governor Haslam to proclaim that it's  OK for NISSAN to do business with Iran and why should it not be because Pilot Flying J via CVC Capital partners does...   Does humanity matter?

Sharyn Bovat is NOT the CIA Whistleblower.... Have YOU Seen What the CIA Does To Them. Does The Obama Administration Want to KEEP Abusing a Carpool Mom Who Spoke Out About Fraud and Discrimination?

Michael Patrick Leahy - I Too Hate Lamar Alexander. That US Senator is CORRUPT and is a Harm to a Civilized Society. He's a Stealth Racist Whose In Bed with Companies That Support Iran. Lamar Alexander is a Grade A Hypocrite. Since the Tea Party Treats me Like DIRT I'm Opting For Ashley Judd. Sorry American Crossroads YOU Can't Keep Feeding Intelligent Americans CRAPPY CANDIDATES.... Lamar Alexander is Crappy and CORRUPT

Langer Research Associates Gives GREAT Charts. If Reince Priebus is AWAKE He'll Look at Them and Tell the GOP Members of Congress to Use Their Brains - Too Many Republican Members of Congress Use OTHER Body Parts While Selecting Agendas


"...only a third of Americans are persuaded that the Obama administration is disclosing honestly what it knows about what occurred."...  ABC News article


The GOP Already won the Benghazi issue. Still in respect to the families of those that died in Libya it's important
to "get the facts" and ensure the American people that it does not happen again.

Moderates want SOLUTIONS and we see the GOP NOT Giving them to the American people.   


The IRS Issue is still playing out ....


GOP Moderate Sharyn Bovat Thanks IWPR for Hosting a Great Event. Also Thank You to the AFL CIO for the Hospitality ..... Lets Hope That MORE Republican Women Will Join the Fight for Fairness. Respect is Shown By = Pay and a Fair Minimum Wage. Get Rid of Loopholes for the Rich The Middle Class NEEDS an Advocate and The Ladies I Met Today Give This Woman Hope:):)

Reince Priebus Here's a Compromise? Arizona's Trent Franks and Jan Brewer Hell Must Have "Froze Over" Because I Agree With You (Kindof) The 20 Week Abortion Ban OK is Eyes of This GOP Moderate. To Get The Legislation to Pass ENSURE Contraception is Guaranteed. NOT the Foster Friess "Aspirin Between the Knees" Method - Some of Us Like to Have a Little Fun:):)








Marsha - Marsha - Marsha Blackburn HOW Can YOU Be Connected to Kline Preston. Have YOU Seen His Tweets?

"It's right out of the NIXON playbook MINUS the foreign policy accomplishments".... Ben Stein

OK-  I do think President NIXON was "great" at foreign policy.  I think that President Obama is OK... He killed Bin Ladin. So the guy has "some"balls.  I'm NOT happy with his CIA General Counsel harboring relatives (possible relatives) that are Iranian Syrian sympathizers....

Also HOW can you take money from the Haslam Pac... Didn't you know that the Haslam family does business with IRAN....

Well so does NISSAN.  Marsha Blackburn HOW could you let "me" a whistleblower be abused?

Don't YOU care about women's issues -  I Know YOU know that NISSAN discriminated.  

Women in management were at 20.9% in 2006 down to 10% in 2009 the year I whistle blew.

Shame on YOU Marsha Blackburn.  If you want to apologize call me 615-944-7599

Thank You Tesla For Being Honorable By Paying Back Your Govt. Loan.

I Wonder What The Little Boy is "Thinking"......

Thank You ACU for Letting This Voice of a GOP Moderate Attend CPAC. I Got to Meet Some Future Heroes - How Cool is That?


"Without Memorial Day - we wouldn't be able to celebrate other holidays"  Actor Joe Mantegna to CNN while being interviewed by Candy Crowley

Mormons want to bring back polygamy? It's a Thought From An Actual Article on the Web: Maybe Mitt Was "Hiding" His Other Wives? He Should Have Put Them on The Campaign Trail - EVERYONE Loved Ann.


Fischer says the reason the Mormons have “gone soft on the homosexual agenda” is that they want the gays to bring back polygamy, so that Mormon founder Joseph Smith’s good name can be cleared up:

“As the homosexual agenda advances, the next domino to fall is going to be the ban against polygamy.  The LDS leadership, these people are smart, they’re sharp, they’re thinking all the time and I believe one of the reasons they may have gone soft on the homosexual agenda is that they believe that the homosexual agenda may be the secret to restoring polygamy to America and this would vindicate Mormon doctrine from the very beginning.”

Moderate Women Want America to "Do the No Fly Thing & Get Rid of Assad". OMG!!! If We Don't Save Syrians BUT Saved the Libyans It's NOT Fair.... Too Much Needless Violence. We Can't Give Weapons to the Rebels WE MUST CONTROL THE WEAPONS.....

Below are actual text messages from Kline Preston... PLEASE read the text messages that he sent to me and then ask the CIA General Council about his DNA.

  1. Nissan Whistleblower: Letter Sent to Marsha Blackburn About CIA ...

    Dec 28, 2012 – Letter Sent to Marsha Blackburn About CIA Retaliation to Whistleblower. ... Below will explain WHY I do not feel comfortable with Kline Preston.

Is Kline Preston Related to Stephen Preston and is Kline PReston connected to the CIA. If so what the hell to we have a Putin sympathizer working in the intelligence community and WHY does Marsha Blackburn "let" him lead her PAC?

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Search Results

  1. News for syria no fly zone

    1. Russian Missile Plan Chills Chances for Syrian No-Fly Zone

      Voice of America ‎- 15 hours ago
      Analysts say it will be more difficult for the United States or other Western powers to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria if Russia goes ahead with ...

  2. Obama Asks Pentagon For Syria No-Fly Zone Plan - The Daily Beast


    1 day ago – Along with no-fly zone plans, the White House is considering arming parts of the Syrian opposition and formally recognizing the Syrian ...

  3. Obama asked Pentagon to prepare Syria no-fly zone plans - report ...


    1 day ago – Officials from the Obama administration have revealed that the White House asked the Pentagon to outline plans for a military no-fly zone over ...

  4. Prison Planet.com » Obama Asks Pentagon for Syria No-Fly Zone Plan


    14 hours ago – The White House has asked the Pentagon to draw up plans for a no-fly zone inside Syria that would be enforced by the U.S. and other ...

Purple Alert Reaches Out to CODE PINK to Free John Kiriakou Before 4th of July - Stay Tuned

There is NO REASON for the ONLY person to be jailed for CIA torturing to be the whistleblower.
Either FREE John Kiriakou or JAIL the people that actually did the torturing.  CHOOSE ONE


Reince Priebus: Lets Close Guantanamo & Make a Summer Camp for "Friends of Cheney"......We Could Sing Songs... Have Obstacle Courses and Sack Races... We Could Put The Sacks Over the Heads of Campers to Give It That Feeling One Could ONLY Get at Guantanamo bay

GOP This Guantanamo Bay Talk is RETARDED....

Jobs Can Be Created in Colorado....

Chris Christi Go For Christine Todd Whitman & Lets Keep Her Till 2014

We gotta turn the TITANIC around....

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