This GOP War Needs to End!!! It's Hurting the World.... Stability is a Good Thing and the Three Party System is Gonna Make too Many Shifts.... Maybe the Reasonable Republicans should ALL convert to libertarianism... They should take them money too....
Lets let the Tea Party win the war..... see how well they do .....
"Caught off guard by multiple polls showing the race remaining extremely close (between 4-8 points)..." Brad Dayspring in reference to Gabriel Gomez polling
Brad Daysrping I know your a very talented professional BUT your aligned with some "sleazy social media .... 'we love Ted Cruz' types. IF yo think I'm wrong call me 615-944-7599.
The Daily Caller exposed NRSC hired the same bloggers that are known to do "vicious" social media... racist blogging too...
The GOP Tennessee Governor "Most Likely" gets Cheap Oil from Putin's Associates.... YES!!! A Republican Governor is CORRUPT.... Just Released from Jail Another GOP Governor Thank God Blagojevich is corrupt.... adds balance.
Sharyn Bovat is a Republican and she's like the GOP politicians to lead ETHICALLY... Thank You!!!!
Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has signed into law the new homophobic Bill that criminalises gay freedom of expression. The adoption of children by foreign same-sex couples has also been banned and gay organisations that receive financial donations from overseas are being fined as 'foreign agents'. These are the latest examples of an escalating trend towards homophobic repression in Russia. Read More:
Apr 10, 2013 - I just Emailed Henry Kissinger to Ask Him to Answer Kline Preston'sInterrogatory Question About Operation Condor. Someone Tell Michael ..
Yes!!! He put this on the internet...
Sharyn Bovat was BULLIED for being a perceived gay and Kline Preston KNEW it and did NOTHING..... It's morally wrong to not disclose to your client issues that affect the case.
Edward Snowden Should Live in Nicaragua....It's a County I Helped in the 80's. Granted the Contras Were NOT the Warm and Fuzzy Freedom Fighters I Thought They Were Back Then ... Still Today Nicaragua is Doing Well....I Hear the President is OK and America Needs to Build a Relationship. Since a Snowden Trial Would HURT National Security. Some Say that the DOD Will Have MASSIVE Budget CUts "If" This NSA Story Keeps Making Front Pages. Americans are TIRED of Hearing About How The County Deceived Them.. One Guy Who Served in the Military Told Me He Was NOT Celebrating the 4th of July Because He's EMBARRASSED to Be American. That Makes Me Sad. We Need a Good Pro America Public Relations Campaign (NOT LED BY SAL RUSSO). One Geared Toward Mending Fences.... In Reference to the 80's I'd Like to Think My Tiny Role Was a Positive One....Even Though the Technical Reasons Were Recently Proven to Me to Be "Not the Best" I Still MUST Believe in My Heart My Efforts Did Some Good..... I Want to Make Those That Served in Afghanistan Understand That They Too Made a Positive Difference.
Americans Deserve the TRUTH... It's time (a non-election year) to tell the TRUTH about TWA, Lockerbie, & Why America Needs to "Get Along" with Egypt. OUT TROOPS DESERVE to have leaders they TRUST. The people that they serve right now their losing RESPECT for.... Maybe that is why so many "sexual" assaults? Maybe people are taking their frustrations out on others and sadly the suicide rate shows they do it to themselves too... Lets make America PROUD- that starts with the TRUTH
Lessons Learned from Iran Contra...
"...The Iran-Contra Affairs can be seen through the lens of foreign policy. How should the U.S. relate to countries in Middle East and Central America? There are also enduring issues about ethics and our constitutional form of government. Through that lens, there are key questions about the duties of public officials, the justifications (if ever) for deception, and the significance of following orders. There are also important issues about the mechanisms for accountability in government, along with constitutional questions about the separation of powers...." Brown University
The Nicaraguan civil war between the Sandinistas and the contras, coupled with Sandinista economic policy, contributed greatly to economic decline in Nicaragua. The two sides signed a peace deal in 1987, and elections were held in 1990. The Bush Administration, which had gradually ended aid to the contras, gave financial support to the political opposition. Elections were held in 1990, and Violeta Chamorro, (Pedro Joaquín Chamorro’s widow) of the National Opposition Union (UNO), won the presidency. She attempted to reverse many policies of the Sandinista regime and was successful in introducing free-market reforms, human rights protections, and democratization. Animosity between former contras and Sandinistas was strong––and sometimes violent––through the mid-1990s; however, President Chamorro did make progress in national reconciliation.
A Liz Cheney candidacy might be a political disaster for a movement that’s increasingly unpopular and bereft of ideas..SOURCE: CATO INSTITUTE 2013-07-09 15:27:00
When I was in Wyoming a few years ago I asked a friend about Liz Cheney & he said...(paraphrasing) "She's hardworking, loves America & married a idiot..." FYI- I found out that "he" wanted to date Liz Cheney. OK... TMI?
A Liz Cheney candidacy would be a public relation DISASTER for the GOP. I do not need to go into all the details why except to say that a majority of America is "pissed off" with her dad. I truly see the "softer side" of former VP. Cheney but to add salt to a wound that's healing is stupid. (originally I wrote Dick Cheney but it did not look right)...
If Condoleezza Rice, Jeb Bush or George P. Bush want a "future" in the politics.... STOP the train wreck!!!! Seriously....
where do I send my Liz Cheney for Senate Check?.SOURCE: MEDIA MATTERS FOR AMERICA 2013-07-09 15:25:00
If 'Liz Cheney' is the answer, the question must be 'How could the U.S. Senate possibly get any worse?'.SOURCE: MSNBC BLOGS 2013-07-08 12:37:00
Liz Cheney has the potential to take the GOP in a new direction. Toward success..SOURCE: NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE 2013-07-08 11:47:00
"The United States stands firmly with courageous men and women struggling for their freedom across the Middle East, including in Syria.” Liz Cheney
“What the people of Iraq have accomplished to date is historic and impressive, and we're confident that they'll put that same commitment and dedication to work in enacting the laws that will enforce this constitution.” Liz Cheney
“You have a real constitution that protects freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. These protections are among the most far-reaching of any in the region and probably around the world.” Liz Cheney
"I am running because I know, as a mother and a patriot, we can no longer afford simply to go along to get along. We can't continue business as usual in Washington," Liz Cheney
“I’m running because I believe it is necessary for a new generation of leaders to step up to the plate,” she said. “We can’t continue business as usual in Washington. … I will never compromise when our freedom is at stake.” Liz Cheney
The term "Goes along to get along" is VERY effective with women and independent voters... obviously Liz Cheney has good people working for her. If she needs an opposition researcher CALL ME Sharyn Bovat 615-944-7599. Most of my resume is "classified" and I'm sure she'll appreciate my NOT telling all.... The fact is National Security is a BIG issue. Liz Cheney cares about America... she just needs to "tone down" some of her rhetoric and be the warm and fuzzy member of the Cheney family. One that appreciates all her dads work BUT has her own opinions. Liz can't be a "mini-me"..... I'm offering to do this because EVERYONE wants to work for Mike Enzi and I hear he's a "great guy".... but there's a LOT of "gridlock" in DC and the only way to clean it up is new leadership....America might not be ready for another Cheney in DC... But Wyoming might be? On a personal note- people connected to Sal Russo & Sarah Palin have proven to be unethical. There already on record as supporting Mike Enzi. Which team does Mike Enzi really play for.... Watch this video of Sarah Palin at CPAC and decide if "this" is the woman you want representing the GOP... or are you ready for L. Cheney?
Bill Murphy of the NRSC is supporting ENZI and he's NOT ethical...
Sep 11, 2012 - Reince Priebus Do YOU Think I'm a Republican · Sep. 11 ... Oddly they're connected to Bill Murphy who's MItt Romney's social media director.
Hey Kline... I've got an idea... BEFORE you sue someone for slander you should STOP slandering. Anyway: I'm getting MORE admission questions for you to respond to and have not heard from your response to the amended argument that includes the "conflict of interest" with Marsha Blackburn and Governor Haslam...WHY?
The conflict is YOUR connection to he PAC. Due to the "corrupt" courts in Tennessee you have an upper hand. Although they might be forced to make "clean" decisions based on the federal microscope. If you want to "do a deal"... I'm open. Call me-we can meet for lunch. I want to "move on" with my life and I've got a deal that will give me my reputation back - I'm about JUSTICE and you can help me prove that NISSAN abused me... granted YOU did too BUT when it comes to an issue I care about... that's National Security you only told me you think "Iran is not that bad" and NISSAN does business with IRAN. Obviously your "less" evil. SIr-I'm tired and want resolution. This is an opportunity & If you don't take it OK... GAME ON!!!
Kline Preston I have one thing going for me & that's the TRUTH & Eventually people will know it to.
While cleaning out a box of stuff from the 80's and early 90's I found some pins.
The Sebastiani one reminds me of Reagan's Immigration stance.
The former President wanted immigration reform because of AGRI-BUSINESS. The prices for food would escalate "if" good reforms were not passed. ALL American would suffer if reform did not happen. It was predicted that lettuce would cost 8 times as much with out the immigrant community. California wine prices would get higher and the overall economy would suffer greatly.
My grandparents lived in Pebble Beach and I was given gas money to visit them and told to visit them and on the way visit the workers in the fields. They wanted me to find out WHY reform mattered to them. It did not matter what I researched - the President's decision was done. I was young and was told that "others" didn't want to do it..... The elitist did not want to get their shoes dirty. Lucky for me - I met some great people and learned many other reasons WHY immigrants mattered.
In reference to WHY reform should happen today - someone ask a member of the Sebastiani family.
They were nice people. Kind to everyone even a girl that attending a cocktail party who was really just their to "watch Mike Curb"......
Welcome to 80's & early 90's California GOP politics.... it's complicated:):)
Rush Limbaugh's words Turned Enzi into the GOP Clair McCaskill who by the way... Clair Mccaskill's staff was VERY kind to "this" Voice of a GOP Moderate...when she asked for help with an issue. To her THANK YOU!!!!
“Liz, you come from Republican Party royalty, if I can use that phrase. Your family, your dad, your mom, yourself — Republican family royalty,” Limbaugh said. “I want to tell the audience here that I’ve known you for many many years, and throughout the entire time I’ve known you, you haven’t changed, your conservatism has been consistent and solid, and in fact, it may have even gotten stronger, your commitment to it may have even increased.” Politial
I will take a lie detector test to PROVE that a staffer of Al Gore's asked me if I wanted to date him in 2010 & then I was told "in 2012 that had I dated him the 'trumped up' charges against me would have been dropped" a friend of the Frist family told me "you could do worse".... My child's figure skating coach told me in 2012 that "he's taken, you lost your chance".....
I said NO in 2010 because I thought it was a JOKE.....I'm mad NOW and talking about it because I fought in the corrupt Tennessee courts for over 19+ months. My reputation was run through the mud.... I did get a "clean" judge at the last minute AFTER a corrupt judge quashed most of my witness subpoenas. I heard the ethical judge was connected to Al Gore. For him to do that... Thank You.
Does Dalton Roberts Know that people linked to the murder of Sonny Bono, drug trafficking and Arms deals that "went rogue" and STILL do business with IRAN and fuel America's enemies are those linked to Lamar Alexander. Did AEI know this?
I would think AEI would NOT want to be a supporter of Khomeini. Lamar Alexander is the pitchman for NISSAN and got other Senators to back giving a foreign company that does business with IRAN a 1.4 Billion DOE loan using the Federal Financing bank. I've been told by people at the DOD that what NISSAN is doing is harming our troops.
"...When you realize that Alexander’s voting record got him an ‘A’ ranking from The National Rifle Association, a 100 percent rating from the National Right to Life and The National Federation of Independent Business, and that he has voted with the majority of Republican senators 83 percent of the time, it makes you realize what a kook the tea party is hunting to run against him....Norm Ornstein, a conservative scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, said Alexander “has always been viewed as one of those guys who is a problem solver looking for ways to work with others.”
Dec 2, 2012 - Lamar Alexander Connected to Iran Contra Profiteers. He's a BIG ... IF NOT Let Me Know & Please Tell NISSAN to Mediate..... The Dots are .
i do NOT like Michael Patrick Leahy and Think he's "aligned" with the Tea Party Express and Sal Russo. I Used to work for Sal Russo Operatives during Iran Contra and Michael Patrick Leahy KNOWS I've been abused in Tennessee and he and his minions have stayed silent. Lamar Alexander has profiteered from people that fuel Iran's economy and is ALSO linked to Haslam donors and PACS that fuel the Russian Mafia. Heck Sal Russo used to be linked to the American Mafia.
Here's a picture of me with Sal Polisi - He knew the D'amato crew before he switched sides and wore a wire and ratted out Gotti.... Sal Polisi is BETTER than Sal Russo... Sal knows he was a crook & Sall Russo likes to think he was a PATRIOT.... The fact is the drug trafficking linked to the CIA filters through Sal Russo and those he's aligned with. Michale Patrick Leahy if YOUR not linked to CIA drug trafficking profiteers call me and I will clarify. Sharyn 615-944-7599,
Establishment Republican Senator Lamar Alexander's reelection prospects continue to slide as Michael Patrick Leahy, co-founder of BEAT LAMAR, announced ...