Channel: Voice of a GOP Moderate
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This GOP Voice Admits She Has PTSD and WANTS ALL Political Parties in America to "Clean Up it's Act".... I Told a Man Today Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson DID Not "Directly" Assault the DOE Whistleblower.... He's Allies DID....


Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Date: December 1, 2013, 11:24:58 PM EST
To: rweingarten@steptoe.com, "tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com"<tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com>, Jonathan Collegio <jacollegio@americancrossroads.org>, will.swaim@franklincenterhq.org, "ed@edgillespiestrategies.com"<ed@edgillespiestrategies.com>, Apple chesser <paul.chesser@atinstitute.org>, Will.Alexander@tn.gov, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, Blake Farmer <bfarmer@wpln.org>, cstanbrook@mwe.com
Subject: YES!!! A Vendor of the Haslams got an Email From Chrissy Asking HOW Their Representing God at 500k wedding - is the GOP Elite gonna Whack the Hired Help? 
FYI- Republicans in the past have killed "the help" before for lessor offenses. The GOP is not an easy family to be a member of. It's really time to "change" that-time to Respect ALL people. Just a thought?  I'm only saying this because I live in fear. The Democrats are not perfect either. An elected official gave me details about a New Mexico whistleblower who was beaten and left for dead when she threatened to expose DOE fraud connected to Fmr Governor Richardson. The guy gave me his card and he's upset the feds ignored it 
BUT if the FBI wants to finally investigate I will send them the politicians contact info. 

The NEW Haslam issue is disgusting - worse than Bob McRolex. I'll give Silverman details this week and he can make sure the mainstream media NEVER reports it ....

Hope you had a great weekend!


i was told that it's OK for me to speak because I was "outed" by NISSAN after I whistle blew

Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie Can YOU Tell Members of Congress it's NICE to Act Like Rep. Joe Barton & Give Visiting Whistleblower a Beverage: Thank You!!! Also Did YOU See the Letter to Mandela to the Lockerbie Bomber... Mandela Calls Him a Comrade & Had His Photo Taken w/him. HELLO - Lets Open an Investigation Into Lockerbie Bombing.. Get Frank Duggan to Testify?


Below is a brochure that I gave to various members of congress on the Foreign Relations, Armed Services and Intel committee....

Also Paul Ryan STILL does NOT treat me with RESPECT... Why?
Is it because I "outed" Mitt Romney for profiting from IRAN? 


if so "get over it".... let the mainstream media report it NOW during the holidays so nobody will remember next year... Boys isn't 2014 an important one for you?  

  Ask Mr. Ryan if he he's linked to the Haslam allies that "bullied" Martin Luther King? Tell the congress man my goal is RESPECT for ALL PEOPLE & I'm waiting to hear from Reid Weingarten "if" the Haslam family is gonna adopt me or hear if Mike Loya "wants" a date- tell him his dad told me my mom was HOT.

Also I met a former diplomat who NOW gets checks from Saudi and he told me he did NOT think Romney names Bain Capital after LBJ... He did admit that Romney was an Iranian profiteer but said my comment on the "naming" of Bain was a stretch - so I told him that I will take it off my blog once a member of the Romney legal team tell me I'm wrong: then I told him "how" Mitt financed Bain Capital... His partners were those that led El Salvadorian death squads.. I told him my boarding school roommate in 1980 her family "did" those- remember the whacked priest.  He then told me he would "ask someone that would know" and get back to me if I'm wrong.  I have NOT heard back.   


Below are TWEETS: About the Lockerbie Bombing....

CPAC Fashion Don't Sharyn Bovat Looking at Costo.com for 2014 CPAC Wardrobe.... Adrienne Royer It's Time to RESPECT Women in Leggings & Uggs


Coming in 2014 a "revised" Cocktails with Sharyn & I'm looking forward to CPAC 2014.  Memo to Adrienne Royer- I was told in DC last week that SPIES are "in fashion"
& I might get my mommy & maybe me into a museum - how cool is that?  So when you write your "what to wear" for CPAC put an asterisk that excludes certain women that prefer to wear black:):)  Also lets have a cocktail this time?  

Look at what you can get at Costco....

Leggings are easy to pack too.

Voice of a GOP Moderate: Adrienne Royer I Should Have Read ...

Mar 13, 2013 - Adrienne Royer I Should Have Read Your Blog BEFORE I Got On the Plane. Sharyn Bovat Fears She'll Be Teased for Dressing Like a ...

Mitt Romney PROVES He Has NO Clue About HOW Real People Live..... OMG!!!! You Don't Iron a Shirt While Wearing It.....

"Please Sir Can I have More"... GOP's Sequel to Oliver....Georgia Rep Jack Kingston - Says He's NOT Targeting "Poor Kids"... that's Bull ****


Ed Gillespie & Karl Rove 
Time to reign in the wrong.....

Kiddie free lunch eaters can 'sweep floor,' Georgiacongressman says

New York Daily News-Dec 19, 2013
Georgia congressman says low-income children should sweep schoolcafeteria floors in exchange for their free or reduced-price lunches.

Ed Gillespie, Karl Rove, & Reince Priebus - Ted Cruz Makes GOP Memorable in 2013 & it's NOT the Way That Will Help the Republicans... Do Ya'll Want to Win in 2014? Time to Respect ALL People... That Means Lose the Luggage... Or Check the Rhetoric at the Door... Start Fresh with Solutions NOT Slogans....No More Dr. Seuss Being Read While Congress is in Session.... America Has Too Many Problems.... Ted Cruz Reading Stories is INSANE!!!


This Ted Cruz "rant" inspired  from the Top 7 Quotes from In The Capital

7. “I will credit my father, he invented…green eggs and ham”- Senator Ted Cruz
Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas took the Senate floor on September 25 to begin a 21-hour talkathon against Obamacare. At approximately 8 p.m. that night, Cruz announcedthat it was his daughters’ bedtime and decided to read them Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham. “I will credit my father. He invented –this wasn't for the restaurant, but he did it anyway – he invented green eggs and ham,” Cruz said.

 FYI moderates are PRAGMATIST and we want SOLUTIONS is problems and not constant whining.... 
This moderate voice wants MATURITY in congress ...... 

This is an interview I gave at CPAC 2013:
FYI I left CPAC on Saturday afternoon & missed the final speeches at the Delta lounge in Atlanta airport I sat next to another person that attended CPAC (it's a well known/organized must go to  event for GOPers - filled with the countries most powerful conservatives... used to be the Buckley/Thatcher types).   I asked the man in the lounge (who was a DOD contractor- lots of those in the the republican party... they are NOT happy with Rand Paul) I asked him if he was upset he missed the Palin speech... he said NO- mentioned the "lack of depth" of the saturday line up & that the party was "falling apart" ....  

Yes!!!  Sarah Palin was the headliner...  Chris Christie lost his invite when he hugged Obama...  

Click Here to read about gay issue at CPAC 2013.

We both agreed it was smart that CPAC organizers lumped the intelligent stuff on Thursday and Friday thus letting the newbies who wanted sound bites their day.... The saturday audience would have hated the "peaceful" protest done to allow gay groups at next years CPAC.


Lets hope the CPAC in San Diego UNITES the the Party of Reagan....  I think Al Cardenas can figure out how to make the party healthy......  Having a California event is a "good start" 

Ed Gillespie & Karl Rove Better Get Jeb Ready: Chris Christie's Odds of Becoming President = to Liz Cheney Becoming Senator.... Petty NIXON Dirty Tricks... In Fashion in Jersey?

Daily Caller Endores Haslam Appointment Shows "Coolness" The Guy Could Probably Get the New Jersey Vote Too.... Sorry Chris Christie....



Look at a comment
Given the track record of our past and current career politicians in TN this guy would be a breath of fresh air when it comes to governance with honesty. From Alexander's pork line item to spend $400k celebrating himself to the Haslams defrauding trucking companies on fuel rebates I believe this guy stands a chance. Government of the people, for the people and by the people is not what we're currently experiencing.

Tennessee is a Cesspool of Corruption and the Haslam's are PART of the problem

Rudy Giuliani is SMART & KNOWS That Chris Christie NEVER Would have "RAMBLED" for Over an Hour Had He KNOWN…. He's Proven He's HUMAN.

Al Cardenas is Chris Christie gonna be at CPAC this year?   

Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie Maybe it just shows HOW PATHETIC other GOP options are?

My polling of Purple People shows that Chris Christie is STILL the Best Choice to WIN in 2016. 

FYI- I learned HOW to conduct demographic research by the BEST & did the research used to "restore" the image of Oliver North.  That man still owes me a THANK YOU!!!   He can do that at CPAC - I hope Adrienne Royer puts out the "What not to wear" article BEFORE I pack.  Odds are again I'll be a GOP Fashion Don't:(:(

I was told Bridget Kelly was "In over her head"…. I think she was PUSHED into stupidity by others.. wanna know who?   Anyway she took the hit and never deserved to be there … sometimes MATURITY matters.  Politicians need to STOP hiring "young punks"… Bridged Kelly is not a punk.. BUT some BOYS in the GOP are…Time to hire Chief of Staffs with some gray hair.. or women that dye their hair to avoid it.  Coloring ones hair is the ONLY cover ups that are politically acceptable.


Ed Gillespie - Here's Some Campaign Advice DON'T Let Haley Barbour Be YOUR Publicist & STAY AWAY from Tom Ingram and the Haslam Family.

Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie Did Chris Christie REALLY Say That if California Does NOT Vote for Him in 2016 He'll Shut Down the Golden Gate?



  1. Bridget Anne KellyChristie aide fired for bridge scandal, known as ...

    Salon-11 hours ago
    Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly, right, stands with Gov. ChrisChristie, left, during a tour of the Seaside Heights, N.J. boardwalk, Jan.
  2. Bridget Kelly, David Wildstein, who had deep ties to Gov.Christie ...

    New York Daily News-Jan 10, 2014
    On one end of the damning email at the center of Gov. Chris Christie'sBridgegate scandal was a low-profile aide who was known to shun the ...

Karl Rove - Data Shows Marco Rubio Does NOT Have the Right Voice to Be President & Someone Tell AEI to Find Another Face for the Prominent Picture Spot


I've talked to a LOT of women since the "water bottle" moment & they just think there's something they're not comfortable with-with Rubio and then when I mention his voice they say YES!!!  that's it…. he just does not sound like someone I'd want to be President.   That said that does not mean he should not be the GOP nominee I'm just saying this is something that needs to be address.  

Again it's NOT the "water bottle" issue… 

Ed Gillespie Needs a Graphic Designer….

Note to AEI - GOP Elite… If YOU Want the Moderate Vote the KEY is ENERGY - AFFORDABLE Energy. Most Moderate Women Want AMERICAN Energy.

Video Added

The below data is linked to ALL Issues mainly National Security most that I talk to under 40 think America is a Global bully. The people that I talk to in their late 20's that make an effort to understand National security issues say they don't know who they dislike more "W" or Obama they're mad at they hypocrisy - they want out of Afghanistan, they want Gitmo closed they want the Bush surveillance gone. Those over 45 think the data collection is OK as long as ethical people keep the data.

People  55+       Majority trusts the government
People 45-55     Majority Skeptical but want to trust government 
People 35- 45    Majority Skeptical 
People 20-35     Majority thinks government lies, is corrupt, staffed by clueless low tech & disorganized bureaucrats 

The last mentioned demographic is also FREE MARKET. Arthur Brooks AEI needs to pounce!
FYI-They want government healthcare (Canadian type) but one that the employer pays for supplemental insurance.  This generation is SMART and tech savvy they do NOT  trust the mainstream media. The do believe in climate change. 

Here's the deal… I've been talking about the issues of TRUST in Government with random people since the Snowden leak.  I was told the "next generation" is gonna have to clean up from the problems the CIA has created.  The CIA has lost the propaganda war … still their trying to "cling" to their lies. This "old school" thinking is gonna hurt America's image.  Recently I talked to educated white upper middle class white men who said they do NOT trust the GOP they said America can't keep bailing out the companies of friends of congress..  Here's more data.   I see "one" in for the GOP and that's sincere well thought out free market solutions that have a "safety net"…THAT will save the GOP. If you keep talking about healthcare and offer NO safety net - your getting no where.  A 40ish middle class white male (makes about 80k) he told me he's an independent voter - said the tweaks in Obamacare will get worked out… he personally did not like it at first but says "it's a start"… NOBODY wants to take a step backward.

Ed Gillespie is NOT Crazy Like a Fox…. I Am:):)

  1. Message to:
    Charlie Cook & the National Journal 

    Ed Gillespie is NOT Crazy Like a Fox...

    Ed Gillespie is a calculated "hunter"& he knows that he can:
    #1 as a candidate start a dialogue so the GOP can talk about solutions
    #2 see what "baggage" is left from the Bush era…. Maybe help Jeb make a decision
    #3 Can keep the donors happy…… (read between the lines) 
    #4 He can FINALLY say "what" he's about - I heard that he cringed at "some" of Romney's messaging
    #5 What else does he have to do?

    Crazy Like a Fox? - NationalJournal.com

    15 hours ago - Former RNC Chair Ed Gillespie has little to lose and much to gain from running against Mark Warner in Virginia's Senate race.

    The BIG money donors OWN the various mainstream media outlets & are lacking candidate for their "mouth pieces to write about"…. 

One GOP Governor Indicted - 2 More to Go*


* Whose Next - Bill Haslam or Chris Christie

Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, wife, indicted

CBS News-4 hours ago
Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, seen here prior to the inauguration of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe in Richmond, Va., ...

DOD Whistleblower Says James Comey it's Time for the FBI to Look into GREEN FRAUD… Check Out Renault NISSAN Alliance EV Charger Issues - NRG (In New Jersey) To Help I Faxed Paul Fishman of the NJ US Attorney's Office…. Haley Barbour - This "Lady Blogger" is Gonna Bring YOU Down… I'm Doing it for the King.. Not Jesus Martin Luther King!!!

Ed Gillespie & Karl Rove Did YOU Get the Email?


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Fwd: Who Wants to Have Lunch? Sharyn Bovat in DC
Date: January 27, 2014 1:59:01 PM EST
To: Jonathan Collegio <jacollegio@americancrossroads.org>, "ed@edgillespiestrategies.com"<ed@edgillespiestrategies.com>, daily caller <cj@dailycaller.com>, Apple chesser <paul.chesser@atinstitute.org>, Arthur Brooks <arthur.c.brooks@aei.org>, "will.swaim@franklincenterhq.org"<will.swaim@franklincenterhq.org>, Kathy Mcdonald <kathy.mcdonald@franklincenterhq.org>, Patrick Hynes <phynes@hynescommunications.com>, "luke.frans@resurgentrepublic.com"<luke.frans@resurgentrepublic.com>, Andrea Uckele <andreau@edgillespiestrategies.com>


I did send information to the US Attorney  I want RESOLUTION. I did say that I felt BULLIED & I believe it's those linked to Haley Barbour and Sal Russo.  I  did say my opinion is the Karl Rove operative were more ethical than those aligned with Sal Russo. I said I had ONLY been in the same room as Karl Rove 1 time BUT did not remember. I said that I had "spied" on Ed Gillespie for operative linked to Reagan. I'm telling the truth. If Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie are corrupt I do NOT know about it… I do KNOW that Haley Barbour it corrupt & I can "back up" those allegations. 

I'm in DC- Do not want to be killed BUT am available for lunch. I do want to be part of transforming the GOP into something moderates would be interesting in voting for.   The issues that we find "attractive" with the republican party are shrinking….  

IF you  (GOP Elite) want someone BESIDES Henry Barbour working on RNC Diversity… Call Me.

Sharyn Bovat

Reince Priebus I Admit I Voted for Hillary in the GOP Straw Poll… BUT I Did Vote for Condoleezza & Susana Too… Even White Men Think It's Time America Had a Woman President….

James Comey the FBI Needs to Have the CIA STOP Monitoring Whistleblower in America… They Use Foreign Operatives to Spy on Me- I Have Proof.


My name is Sharyn Bovat - I've been bullied & I'm fighting back.... I just told people that the CIA has a sex tape of me... one from the 80's and most likely one more recent. They think I'll "shut up"..... instead I'm LOUDER. I decided to WANT the tapes to go viral.... don't just show them to "hire ups" to make me look like a bimbo.... What I'm saying is important.... If JUST to prove the CIA is linked to Haley Barbour & MIC cronyism - I'm gonna become America's oldest bimbo - still i hope the tapes from the 80's are released at the SAME time (I looked better then) ....I'm sure the past presidential candidate will be a "bit" embarrassed... Oh well... Sir YOU lost and it's time for America to get HEALTHY....Besides it looks like you have a great "gig" at CNN the extra publicity might get you better rating:):)

In 1993 I went to the Republican Governors conference....Deer Valley Lodge Park CIty Utah: Governor Hunt from Alabama "thought" I was on the "special" hospitality committee. I was not - I was learning oppositions research techniques: Governor Martin of North Carolina spent an entire dinner with his hand up my skirt. Later I was asked to be part of the "trolling for tattletales" team....I did not do it-people connected to Dick Cheney "thought" Haley's tactic were TOO sleazy - They bullied Clinton into letting BLACKWATER happen,

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