Michael Grimm is Beats Out Chris Christie for Bully of the Week….
James Clapper, Michael Vickers & Stephen Preston - DID the NSA know During Clinton Admin that Chemical Weapons were Leaving Iraq and Headed to Syria? I Learned from a GOOD SOURCE that the TWA 800 crash was a form of "Copy Cat" of the Precursor to the Lockerbie Bombing… Both Done in the Summer of a Presidential Election.
I was told this… it's "2nd hand info" but the source is VERY close to NSA guy… They don't think "W" was told. That makes NO sense… I know Iraq had chemical weapons in the 80's…. oddly i knew about the Lockerbie cover up - recently I learned the TWA 800 was just a "copy cat" cover up. it's sad:(:(
James Comey of the FBI - Can someone ask Buck Revell? Ask Frank Duggan about the Lockerbie bombing cover up too...
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iran Air Flight 655 was an Iran Air flight from Tehran, Iran, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, via Bandar Abbas, Iran. On 3 July 1988, at the end of the Iran–Iraq War …Wikipedia
TWA Flight 800 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trans World Airlines Flight 800 (TWA 800), a Boeing 747-100, exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near East Moriches, New York, on July 17, 1996, ...
In 1993 I went to the Republican Governors conference....Deer Valley Lodge Park CIty Utah: Governor Hunt from Alabama "thought" I was on the "special" hospitality committee. I was not - I was learning oppositions research techniques: Governor Martin of North Carolina spent an entire dinner with his hand up my skirt. Later I was asked to be part of the "trolling for tattletales" team....I did not do it-people connected to Dick Cheney "thought" Haley's tactic were TOO sleazy - They bullied Clinton into letting BLACKWATER happen,
Below was sent asking for help…
For the record I'm not against Hillary Clinton. People are saying that. The fact is I'm for the BEST candidate- frankly right NOW she's the best….
Begin forwarded message:
All I want is a job and a normal life- I know I can't stop the excessive surveillance being done to me. A FBI wife told me about *********-************-******-********-everything is monitored. I'm probably safe because of some of the surveillance.I can accept that BUT I want boundaries and for me it's the CIA stopping and I have reason to believe they have a sex tape done in the 80's an another recent. I was told the CIA "films" at ************ ******** hotel .
Oddly I was booked there a LOT once when the President of *********** was staying there and another time when James Clapper was speaking there this summer. Another time a Former TWA employee showed up - was not staying at the hotel. Told me about missile …
She sat directly next to me when a lot of chairs were open. About that same time Mark Silverman-ex Gannett editor told me that I was around those that did that cover up. I do not remember that. Was he trying to get me to say something that I knew nothing about- was he just making conversation?
I'm tired of having to second guess people and not trusting people.
My future ex husband does not want me in his house anymore. I need health insurance. What's happened to me is beyond weird. Sir, I just want resolution. Please tell the CIA That i do not want to upset them - all I want is respect. I just want to be able to live in a bigger fishbowl and swim with other fish- the Betta fish lifestyle is horrible.
Just communicate that I want to mediate- I'm not demanding.*****************************that can help me. Please help.
Thank you
Sharyn Bovat
I'm tired of having to second guess people and not trusting people.
My future ex husband does not want me in his house anymore. I need health insurance. What's happened to me is beyond weird. Sir, I just want resolution. Please tell the CIA That i do not want to upset them - all I want is respect. I just want to be able to live in a bigger fishbowl and swim with other fish- the Betta fish lifestyle is horrible.
Just communicate that I want to mediate- I'm not demanding.*****************************that can help me. Please help.
Thank you
Sharyn Bovat
The Sheldon Adelson Mossad spies following really upset me- I told people to make Mossad STOP and happily they did.
Recently I had to explain to a guy WHY I thought the MIC connected CIA & CIA contractors (allies) wanted John Denver dead… he said - i made sense..
In reference to Princess Diana I was told… "There are a LOT of reason WHY some wanted her silent"
GOP Moderate Blames Dept of Energy Fraud on BiPartisan Group of Politicians Aligned with Haley Barbour & Al Gore…. Says Al Was "Bullied" Into Promoting Industries Some Knew Would Fail…..
I think Al Gore was bullied & I was told by a good source that the 2006 Masseuse incident that was WIDELY written about in 2010 was done to bully the former VP in being silent on ENERGY fraud. …… more soon
Please.. I've been bullied for over 5 years
Al Cardenas Looking Forward to the CPAC - Lots of Presidential Hopefuls & WIth the GOP Needing a Makeover What a Better Place to Start… I Heard Carly Fiorina on a Sunday Show & She Gave Me HOPE That Women Might Want Back In….The Republican Party Needs Conservatives that Speak to America - & We'll See Who Does That Next Month…. Have a Great Day! Sharyn
Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>Subject: Susana Martinez Should Lead the RGA - That is "if" the GOP Want to Win Seats in 2014 - Can someone tell them?Date: February 3, 2014 9:53:41 AM CSTTo: "ed@edgillespiestrategies.com"<ed@edgillespiestrategies.com>, Jonathan Collegio <jacollegio@americancrossroads.org>, Arthur Brooks <arthur.c.brooks@aei.org>, daily caller <cj@dailycaller.com>, Kathy Mcdonald <kathy.mcdonald@franklincenterhq.org>, "will.swaim@franklincenterhq.org"<will.swaim@franklincenterhq.org>, Patrick Hynes <phynes@hynescommunications.com>, "luke.frans@resurgentrepublic.com"<luke.frans@resurgentrepublic.com>Nancy Reagan's people said "Image in EVERYTHING"…Please… Chris Christie Is NOT the image you want.Moderate Women Who Watched State of Union Told Me "What They Though" of GOP Response.. (the official one that is:):)Also I was asked if moderate women would vote for Scott Walker…..I do not know but I will listen to his CPAC speech and tell you. Last week in DC I was told he could become "the last Governor standing"…. for the nomination. Does the nominee have to be a Governor?This is gonna sound bizarre but Donald Trump seems to be a "serious" contender with the new choice of characters, I mean candidates. PA & Ohio voters will have a difficult time digesting Jeb Bush - Retired people from Florida like Jeb… Rand Paul seems to be the "guy" for the younger voters… can't figure out why.When looking "short term" 2014 the GOP needs to put a "band aid" on it's image & if you people want to have credibility going into 2016 you'll ditch Chris Christie as your RGA role model and get Susana Martinez. She's the person that I see as a VP nominee… Going against Hillary you gotta have a women on the ticket-if you want a chance.I do like Kelly Ayotte but she comes across at Lindsey Graham's puppet on foreign policy- I have not yet seen her speak "from her heart"… Maybe have her speak about the future of America that "she wants"…. I like CPAC because it gives an opportunity to listen to the passion and see the possibilities of each candidate.If Ted Cruz can "tone it down" he could become credible. Sarah Palin is red meat for the conservative masses but she only speaks to 24% of America but she's speaking to 95% of the CPAC audience. Having Chris Christie speak at CPAC gives the Big Gov the opportunity to tell Conservatives WHY…. & he'll sell a lot of tickets too.FYI- Cathy Rogers did a great job - over a dozen random people that I spoke to that watched her speak after the State of the Union liked her BUT they could not tell me "what" she would do to solve the problems. The GOP needs common sense SOLUTIONS for healthcare. Her comment that "were not going back to the way it was…" (para phrasing) was the best received.Swap Chris Christie & Susana during the Olympics then less bad press for the NJ governor… I think he already gets enough of that:):)
Does This Make Anyone Else Wonder If the Planet is Really Square?
Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie: Joe Biden Linked to Crony Capitalism ... YES!!! Data Exist That Will Link Joe Biden to FAILED 2009-2010 Stimulus Spending... It Will Expose Haley Barbour & Mitt Romney Too.. But Those Guys are "Has Beens".... Joe Wants to Be President in 2016 - BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!
Haley Barbour Can ONLY Create Jobs That Have Excessive Bond Debt I learned from an economist at AEI that the former Mississippi Governor helped give America the NEXT Recession....
Kim Guadagno Gonna Approve Another Light Rail Station for the Rockefeller Group While the Big Guy is Playing in the Sand? OMG!!! Chirs Christie Just Said He's NOT Running for President..
Gov. Chris Christie goes to Puerto Rico as New Jersey digs out of ...
New York Daily News-
As New Jersey dug out Friday from the Nor'easter and braced for more snowflakes on Saturday, Gov. Chris Christie jetted off toPuerto Rico for ...
Report: Chris Christie in Puerto Rico |
Christie vacationing in Puerto Rico with his family, report says |
Chris Christie vacations in Puerto Rico as NJ prepares for weekend ... |
Chris Christie vacations in Puerto Rico as New Jersey gets snow |
First on CNN: Christie vacationing in Puerto Rico Blog-CNN (blog)- Explore in depth (317 more articles) |
Seriously- When is Chris Christie Resigning? New Jersey Need to Heal From the Storms... Hey Maybe When He Gets Back From Puerto Rico?
This is no longer "high school" it's 7th grade...
Like OMG!!! Chris Christie is TOAST!!!!
Gov. Chris Christie has another childhood pal to throw under the bus.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/gov-chris-christie-new-childhood-pal-shove-bridgegate-traffic-article-1.1616417#ixzz2tXWA82aF
What if he really did "work the cones".... what would happen? I Chris Christ back from his winter break?
Good News for the Haslam's --- Thank You Ron Ramsey:):)
House approves wine in grocery stores bill
The Tennessean--
Bill Haslam's desk for signature. The Senate ... If voters approve, grocery stores generally would be able to start selling wine July 1,2016.
Karl Rove and Reince Priebus - Colorado Might Be the PERFECT Host for the 2016 Family Reunion (RNC CONVENTION) Sheldon Adelson Looks Like Las Vegas Has some Competition.... If Vegas Wins... PLEASE Sponsor ACDC - Have a Great Day Too...:):)
Denver submits bid Monday to host the Republican National ...
The Denver Channel-
Other cities bidding for the 2016 convention include Columbus, Ohio;... The RNC Site Selection Committee is expected to visit 3-5 finalist cities ...
Colorado makes pitch for 2016 Republican National Convention |
Denver submits bid for 2016 GOP convention Explore in depth (28 more articles) |
Colorado's Budding Industry: Pot Tourism - WSJ.com
online.wsj.com/.../SB100014240527023...Jan 20, 2014 - Colorado travel boards play wait and see on recreational pot, but some firms are seizing on a green light.The Wall Street JournalWeed tourism: Watch out, wine country—Colorado and its marijuana ...
www.slate.com/.../weed_tourism_watch_out_wine_country_colorad...Jan 8, 2014 - Matt Brown stands amid the lush green foliage of a 14000-square-foot indoor marijuana grow facility and spins his vision of marijuana tourism.Slate
Former President Ford Told Me When We Had Tacos Together Backstage of the 1992 RNC Convention (I Was Told I Could Ask Him Anything EXCEPT for the Kennedy Thing) He Said to ALWAYS KNOW WHOSE CONTROLLING THE BALL.... During an Internal Battle of Control (Like the One in the IC?) It's NOT Easy Knowing Whose Ahead.. The Secrecy Driven Establishment or the Idealist Transparency Snowden Allies- At Least I Can Have a Sense of Humor During This Battle: I Can Be Like the Untied Nations an Independent Observer - Although Secretly I Want the Transparency Team to Win...I Want the Government to Tell the Truth... a Few Years Ago Mark Silverman the Ex Gannett Editor & Ben Bradlee Winner Said the Lockerbie Story is the "Sexyist One I've Got"... I Thought Silverman's Comment Was "Heartless" A Bunch of People DIED in the Lockerbie Bombing BUT I've Learned He Made the Heartless Comment Because to Become a Success in Journalism in the Last Generation A Person Had to be a "Go Along to Get Along" Type - Sadly That is What Became the Standard of the Mainstream Media Once the CIA Backed Shareholders Controlled BOTH Print and TV... Sadly for them Al Gore Invented the Internet.... Message for Mr. Gore.... I Regret Thinking the Opportunity to Date You in 2010 Was a Joke,,, I Love Smart Men and This Internet Thing is FANTASTIC.... Anyway Hope Your Happy with the Liberal :):) Maybe I'll Meet Someone at CPAC?
Here's me at the 1988 RNC convention the wife of an Air America pilot gave me the tape... I was on ABC news
To the known must remain unknown people that have quietly supported me & hate me cause I'm dovish... THANK YOU!
Many Republicans are on Snowden's Side.... The research shows
supporting transparency is bipartisan
The Lockerbie Bomging Stuff was Declassified by the DIA....
I was told by a DOD PA what I know is OK to talk about
Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie PLEASE Tell Reince Priebus TO NOT Hold the Family Reunion in a Place That Will Force the Moderate Cousins into a Hampton Inn.... Also Did YOU Get Sheldon to Commit to Having ACDC Play... I loved Journey In Tampa... Thank You
Voice of a Moderate to Discuss Snowden (NON Classified Issues) on the American Maverick Show LIVE at CPAC Next Friday - Also the Debate Between Mark Zaid & Jesselyn Radack - Thomas Drake Clarified the Issue of Whistleblowers Losing Their Constitutional Rights & People in Both Political Parties Should Be Aware that Equal Protection to the Law is For ALL People Not Just the "in" Crowd.
The event sponsored by Georgetown Law & Journal of National Law & Policy
Viewers I think FINALLY I "get" the Edward Snowden issue-When you watch this from a "non" mobile device you'll see my commentsI'm talked to many high level National Security lawyers & contractors about this issue.
The 2nd video has had about 500 views and has been debated by top whistleblowers & their lawyers
National Security & IC community watch & tell me you think I'm wrong
FYI- I'll be on the American Maverick talk Radio show next Friday LIVE from CPAC....
The issue about MetaData collection is complicated but simply stated the law was passed and member of Congress either did not understand it OR they were not informed. Since MOST of America just gets "snip its" (like this) on the Snowden issue I want to clarify it when the opportunity arises.
NOW that America know about it what do we do?
The solution might be boring BUT the dialogue is important. This issue is NOT partisan it's an American issue.
How Can the People in DC "Fix" ObamaCare if they Can't Even Remove the Snow from the Streets? Better Clear the Streets Before CPAC:):)
Voice of a Moderate at CPAC Asks Senator Ted Cruz "What Can He Do For Out Children"........
Scenes from CPAC 2014 - Check Back for a Report of WHO the Voice of a Moderate Connected with Most.....Oddly "The Donald" is Still in the Hunt....or in Sharyn's Mind "Back In" the Hunt......The Guys From Star Wars Might Be Too..... The GOP Can Use a Few Light Sabers :):)
The question that I was asked .... many times. Did I find anyone MORE attractive than Hillary? Looks like MANY want to WIN the 2016 GOP race.... that means some people care about reaching out to diversity and to the RNC... that's a start....
Here's a video of a questions asked at the press conference to Senator Cruz about Hillary Clinton.....
The speeches about Free Markets - getting America out of debt and controlling spending made me think... there's HOPE. Still too many attendees "think" ObamaCare can be repealed- it's time someone told them reality. The way to fix ObamaCare is hard work and compromised. I think Rep. Tom Price "might" be one to help.
Today's tidbit is PLEASE stop telling the base the word repeal.......
A person with pre existing condition told me "crappy insurance is better than 'no' insurance".....
This was Fun
I put together a Goody Bag for my daughter - THANK YOU CPAC!
Governor Mike Huckabee I Found it Tough to Control My Libido at CPAC.... Let's Make Sure Viagra STAYS in the Next Healthcare Bill :):)
New Data is coming out that young people are "catching on" that Hillary is "old school"& will keep the NSA "as is"& Rand Paul might be the ONLY GOP nominee to have a "standing" chance..... Sorry AEI... It's time to "want" Transparency!!! Also the Voice of a Moderate is Changing......Just Like the Nations Demographics....To Become MORE Mainstream BUT Before It Does Sharyn's Gonna Finish Her CPAC Coverage....
"Cardboard Rand" needs to be tweaked... by about a FOOT....
I bet these guys NOT too happy about Standing Room Only "thunderous applause" reception of Rand Paul..... The fact is America is having a GENERATIONAL SPILT....
New Data is coming out that young people are "catching on" that Hillary is "old school"& will keep the NSA "as is"& Rand
might be the ONLY GOP nominee
to have a "standing" chance.....
Sorry AEI... It's time to "want" Transparency!!!
Ed Gillespie & Karl Rove YOU Need to Tell Reince Priebus the GOP Has an Opening to Take the Lead: Hillary Clinton Needs to Take a Stand on the Snowden Issue- If She's SERIOUSLY Running for President. Rand Paul is Gaining Support from Millinials Because He Supports Snowden 4 NSA Leaks... His Dad Wants
I was told by an IC source in October that Snowden did NOT have access to sensitive military information... this person was NOT concerned... something does NOT make sense... Can someone clear it up... The people that tell me Snowden is a Traitor won't tell me WHY... I can see the Leaker argument because he downloaded stuff ... still that's not espionage - & what he did created a dialogue that our country needed. I've told my Military Industrial connected friends to "put up or shut up".... One guy said he's worried his business will suffer if America downsizes the DOD spending... That man is sincere... he's already had to sell one of his boats... the guy is down to 2. If the government becomes more transparent he might lose one of his vacation homes.... Ouch!!!
What would a Rand Paul vs. Hillary Clinton presidential campaign
The Week Magazine-
Hillary Clinton goes mum on NSA, skirts surveillance fight
Last September, Hillary Clinton strode to a podium in Philadelphia to... Paul, who has taken a staunchly libertarian stand against theNSA ...
Please notice that I (Sharyn Bovat) predicted "this" on March 12
Yes-I'm bragging:):)
Voice of a GOP Moderate
4 days ago - Also the Voice of a Moderate is Changing......Just Like the Nations Demographics ....To Become MORE Mainstream BUT Before It Does ...Actually March 8th BUT publicly blogged it on the 12th. In the 80's I learned polling techniques & helped collect data used to restore the image of Oliver North. In the 80's I did research used for President Reagan's immigration reform- LOTS of people at CPAC said the worst part of the Reagan legacy is his immigration reform... which by the way needs to be reformed again. The fact is the "dreamers" are a real problem and they are real people. It's my hope that the RNC will ask researchers that "understand the past" to help make the future for America better.
Edward Snowden Gets Clemency Petition From Ron Paul
Guardian Liberty Voice-
edward snowden Ron Paul, former United States senator, has started a petition to grant clemency to Edward Snowden who has been charged ...