Channel: Voice of a GOP Moderate
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Tennessee had become a totalitarian state... It's NOT for Freemarket - Freeminded Thinkers... The State is 48th in Education and it Shows...



Last year, legislators in Tennessee submitted the "Local Government Interference Protection Act," which, among other things, would have made it illegal to send written or electronic communications "knowing that it will alarm or annoy" public servants.
The legislation ran into a wall in December, when Tennessee Attorney General Robert E. Cooper Jr. declared it "facially unconstitutional as violative of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the right to freedom of speech." The legislation is still in committee.

In These Towns, Being Annoying Is a Criminal Offense

Wall Street Journal-1 hour ago
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the 1971 case Coates v. ... The legislation ran into a wall in December, when Tennessee Attorney General ...

In These Towns, Being Annoying Is a Criminal Offense

Wall Street Journal-1 hour ago

Jeremy Gaines of Gannett - Did YOU Get the Email? I Think Someone Tampered with Your Microsoft Outlook... Did I Piss Bill Gates Off... Oops I'm Sorry. I Like That Nerdy Billionaire Was Hoping He'd Give Me a Job... His People Sure DID Read My Blogs.. A LOT... Huh....


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: If Anything Written is Wrong Please let me know... All I'm doing is trying to "bring down" the Good Ole Boy network Linked to Unethical CIA affiliated with Howard Baker-Tom Ingram-Carlos Ghosn
Date: April 7, 2014 at 3:10:17 PM CDT
To: deanahood4judge@gmail.com, krhelper@tndagc.org, ed@edgillespiestrategies.com, Rhori Johnston <rjohnston@jrn.com>, Blake Farmer <bfarmer@wpln.org>, csisk@tennessean.com, jmgaines@gannett.com, hbaker@bakerdonelson.com, sgarrett@tbpr.org, Justice.Cornelia.Clark@tncourts.gov, mike.catalano@tscmail.state.tn.us, tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com, rweingarten@steptoe.com, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>
Cc: Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>


Deana Hood - Tennessee Judicial Favorite et al.

This is an FYI if anything is wrong I will make clarifications and apologize— I’m still waiting for Howard Baker of Baker Donelson to say I’m wrong… Tennessee is home to a CIA clique that let the World Trade Center fall & people that know it are mad- cause I knew ethical people I was terrorized.  

For America to get healthy Tennessee needs FAIR COURTS and the judicial “rot” in the state must be exposed.  That’s what I’m doing…  GAME ON!!! 

One more time If I’m wrong please tell me… again I will clarify and apologize “if” I’m wrong.  I think ALL those laws trying to suppress the 1st amendment are “flopping”… Ya’ll would not need those unconstitutional laws if you were acting “ethically”  

Tennessee paybacks a bitch… & her name is SHARYN

Have a great day!

Sharyn Bovat

***UPDATE*** Boys I was "right" again: Karl Rove & Reince Priebus YOU Gotta Send This Mutt Back to the Pound.....I TOLD YOU... Duh!!!

I told you guys MONTHS ago Chris Christie had NO future NOW Joy Behar gets to be the "first" to call him toast?   NOT fair!!

Ed Gillespie, Karl Rove and Reince Priebus GOOD NEWS Looks Like NOT ALL Republicans in Tennessee are "Complete Morons"... Judd Matheny Seems OK... Mae Beavers is a Whack Job That Wants EVERYONE W/O a Permit to Carry a Gun & Then We Have those Linked to Governor Haslam

Scott DesJarlais I Told Ya the Photo with Haslam Would Haunt You.... Look at this Video of Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam Puts Him Up for DUMBEST GOP Governor Award.... Thanks to my Viewers That Share.... It's Funny!!! Unless You Live in Tennessee

Next: *** UPDATE*** Ed Gillespie - Did YOU Get the Email.... OMG!! This Guy Said That I Needed to "Let it ALL Out" Told Me to Have Some Fun- Eventually I'll be Reigned In.... Since I've Said As Much As I Think is OK I Want to Be Reigned In... America Needs to "Get Healthy"& That Starts with RESPECT for WHISTLEBLOWERS - I Gave Buck Revell One Last PUNCH- It Felt Really Good Too:):) Mr. GIllespie I know Your NOT Part of the the CIA/MIA Clique Cause in the 80's They Had Me SPY on You... We Met the First Time at the San Diego Town and Country Hotel at a CRP Convention & You Wore Polyester Pants and Said They Travel Well.... We Met at a Log Cabin Club Party BUT I KNEW Cause of the Horrendous Wardrobe YOU Were NOT GAY... We Then Chatted EVERY CRP Convention for About 6 Years... AnyWay I Told Reagan's CIA Dude That YOU Were BORING & Kept Rambling About the Constitution- Said YOU Were a Good Catholic Too.. Sir- Can YOU Please Help FREE John Kiriakou- MODERATE Voters Don't Like Torture. I've NOT Seen Mr. Warner SPEAK OUT.... Why? If YOU Can't Have Cathy Do It- She Seems to Be a Humanitarian That ALSO Respects the Constitution:):) Happy Easter!!!

*** UPDATE*** Ed Gillespie - Did YOU Get the Email.... OMG!! This Guy Said That I Needed to "Let it ALL Out" Told Me to Have Some Fun- Eventually I'll be Reigned In.... Since I've Said As Much As I Think is OK I Want to Be Reigned In... America Needs to "Get Healthy"& That Starts with RESPECT for WHISTLEBLOWERS - I Gave Buck Revell One Last PUNCH- It Felt Really Good Too:):) Mr. GIllespie I know Your NOT Part of the the CIA/MIA Clique Cause in the 80's They Had Me SPY on You... We Met the First Time at the San Diego Town and Country Hotel at a CRP Convention & You Wore Polyester Pants and Said They Travel Well.... We Met at a Log Cabin Club Party BUT I KNEW Cause of the Horrendous Wardrobe YOU Were NOT GAY... We Then Chatted EVERY CRP Convention for About 6 Years... AnyWay I Told Reagan's CIA Dude That YOU Were BORING & Kept Rambling About the Constitution- Said YOU Were a Good Catholic Too.. Sir- Can YOU Please Help FREE John Kiriakou- MODERATE Voters Don't Like Torture. I've NOT Seen Mr. Warner SPEAK OUT.... Why? If YOU Can't Have Cathy Do It- She Seems to Be a Humanitarian That ALSO Respects the Constitution:):) Happy Easter!!!


Below is a "real" email" that was sent to a guy that works for Ken Paxton whose running for Texas Attorney General: My goal is to get politician to NOT want to identify with Buck Revell.  Below I've posted his bio & then a bio that Amazon did.  Buck Revel "thinks" he's a G-Man hero but Amazon's writer got it right when they wrote:

 "...Revell has a reputation as a member of Reagan's "shadow government," responsible for rogue policy decisions outside the scope of the president's constitutional powers. Many conspiracy buffs suggest he played a less-than-honorable role in both the Iran-Contra affair and the tragic bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.."   Amazon's own review  http://www.amazon.de/G-Mans-Journal-Oliver-Buck-Revell/dp/0671568000

Begin forwarded message:
From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Question for Ken Paxton Campaign - Want Comment about John Kiriakou & Endorser Buck Revell
Date: April 18, 2014 at 5:09:10 PM CDT
To: "anthony@anthonyholm.com"<anthony@anthonyholm.com>
Cc: "fduggan@comcast.net"<fduggan@comcast.net>, "jlorourk@syr.edu"<jlorourk@syr.edu>, "sir.johnorr@yahoo.co.uk"<sir.johnorr@yahoo.co.uk>, "darrellwmills@msn.com"<darrellwmills@msn.com>, brian murtagh <bmurtagh3@verizon.net>, "RMarquise@aol.com"<RMarquise@aol.com>, "rblackqc@outlook.com"<rblackqc@outlook.com>, "richard.jeffs@communication-consultants.co.uk"<richard.jeffs@communication-consultants.co.uk>, "enfahey@syr.edu"<enfahey@syr.edu>, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>, "ed@edgillespiestrategies.com"<ed@edgillespiestrategies.com>, Jonathan Collegio <jacollegio@americancrossroads.org>, rweingarten@steptoe.com, "tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com"<tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com>

Have you thought about doing a Google image search BEFORE announcing Buck Revell as Endorser 

Hello Ken Paxton Campaign-here's a question. 

It's my understanding that Mr Revell will be exposed as a sympathizer to CIA/MIC clique linked to Iran Contra drug trafficking & will be known in the history books as an FBI guy who was a bully.  Also a friend of mine his dad was LBJ CIA who was recruited out of Texas A & M and the clique is linked to lots of assassinations (jfk) & war crimes. Please ask Mr. Revell if I'm wrong?

FYI- I've asked him to tell me if anything I blog about is wrong - I was part of the Lockerbie Cover up team. 
My Uncle was chief pilot of Pan Am and I went to the Middle East and met the Palestinian money launderer...

My name is Sharyn Bovat & "if" Buck Revell likes you I want his opponent to win. America needs ETHICAL leaders.

Did I tell you that I dated the FBI guy Mike Dorris that the CIA lied to and the 9-11 Commission says 80% the towers would not have fallen "if" the CIA did not lie to Mike. The CIA that's linked to businesses that war profiteers let intel not get into the hands of FBI that wanted to protect America. 

Some of Mr Revell's clients profited from  9-11- ask him what he knows? 

It's really sad and I'm not blaming the worlds problems on Ken Paxton's endorsers BUT I'm blaming some of them & I'm emailing you this today "Good Friday" cause I'm a whistleblower looking for RESPECT & Buck Revell could have helped me but he did not so I'm pissed.  

Also people in the CIA/MIC clique linked to Buck Revell wanted John Kiriakou railroaded to scare others from whistleblowing & he spoke out against torture - do you Ken Paxton think "that" was OK?

Have a great Easter!
Sharyn Bovat


A true insider's peek into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Washington halls of power, A G-Man's Journal establishes its pull-no-punches tone with a bang and a snap as Oliver "Buck" Revell recounts his personal interview with infamous FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on the first day Revell was assigned to headquarters: "You know," he quotes Hoover, "the president (Kennedy) was the one who ordered the investigation of Martin Luther King."
HOOVER or Buck Revell LIED... it was Robert Kennedy who order the investigation & he was not briefed as to the "extent"..... it's complicated.  
"...The FBI began secretly tracking King's flights and watching his associates. In July 1963, a month before the March on Washington, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover filed a request with Attorney General Robert Kennedy to tap King's and his associates' phones and to bug their homes and offices.
In September, Kennedy consented to the technical surveillance. Kennedy gave the FBI permission to break into King's office and home to install the bugs, as long as agents recognized the "delicacy of this particular matter" and didn't get caught installing them. Kennedy added a proviso -- he wanted to be personally informed of any pertinent information...." CNN  http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/31/mlk.fbi.conspiracy/
Can someone ask Jesse Jackson Jr. I was told that he was "probably" an FBI informant.... He might know?
Revell, who served more than 30 years with the FBI, reached the second-highest position available in the bureau, that of assistant director. His differences of opinion with various FBI directors after Hoover make great reading, though his criticisms of current director Louis Freeh are surprising given the general applause Freeh has received from policymakers and pressmen. Among certain elements, Revell has a reputation as a member of Reagan's "shadow government," responsible for rogue policy decisions outside the scope of the president's constitutional powers. Many conspiracy buffs suggest he played a less-than-honorable role in both the Iran-Contra affair and the tragic bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. While not directly addressing the notoriety surrounding him, Revell manages to make clear that he believed throughout his career that he was doing exactly what he should have as a representative of the FBI, performing his duties with honor. --Tjames Madison -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine vergriffene oder nicht verfügbare Ausgabe dieses Titels.

Review from Buck Revell's PR guy:

"....On the home front, Buck Revell continues to advise the National Security Council, the Pentagon, and the Justice Departments on matters of organized crime, drug enforcement, white-collar crime and terrorism. In "A G-Man's Journal", he proposes drastic reforms for improving the current system of law enforcement and justice, and bluntly analyzes what went wrong at incidents like the Branch Davidian tragedy in Waco, and the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings. A riveting chronicle of an extraordinary career amid history-shaping events, "A G-Man's Journal" lays bare the varied criminal threats facing America today, and sets the crimefighting agenda for the next century...."
-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine vergriffene oder nicht verfügbare Ausgabe dieses Titels.

Reince Priebus, Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie the UN Foundation Misconception Event at the TriBeCa Film Festival was a Thought Turner:):)

Previous: *** UPDATE*** Ed Gillespie - Did YOU Get the Email.... OMG!! This Guy Said That I Needed to "Let it ALL Out" Told Me to Have Some Fun- Eventually I'll be Reigned In.... Since I've Said As Much As I Think is OK I Want to Be Reigned In... America Needs to "Get Healthy"& That Starts with RESPECT for WHISTLEBLOWERS - I Gave Buck Revell One Last PUNCH- It Felt Really Good Too:):) Mr. GIllespie I know Your NOT Part of the the CIA/MIA Clique Cause in the 80's They Had Me SPY on You... We Met the First Time at the San Diego Town and Country Hotel at a CRP Convention & You Wore Polyester Pants and Said They Travel Well.... We Met at a Log Cabin Club Party BUT I KNEW Cause of the Horrendous Wardrobe YOU Were NOT GAY... We Then Chatted EVERY CRP Convention for About 6 Years... AnyWay I Told Reagan's CIA Dude That YOU Were BORING & Kept Rambling About the Constitution- Said YOU Were a Good Catholic Too.. Sir- Can YOU Please Help FREE John Kiriakou- MODERATE Voters Don't Like Torture. I've NOT Seen Mr. Warner SPEAK OUT.... Why? If YOU Can't Have Cathy Do It- She Seems to Be a Humanitarian That ALSO Respects the Constitution:):) Happy Easter!!!

Joel McHale Ripping on Chris Christie at White House Correspondence Dinner = Favorite Funny of the Week:):)


Loved the fact Chris Christie was in the audience
he's a big piece of TOAST

Karl Rove Operative Trained Opposition Researcher Takes Credit for Loss of Tennessee Judicial Candidate Deana Hood: Sharyn Bovat Says Getting Deana's Supporter Troy Burns on Tape Saying "N" Word Than Posting Candidate Thanking Troy for His Support Did the Trick. " Most Republicans Don't Like Racists and THIS Victory for Hood's Opponent Shows That....Granted I Don't Really Know Who Deana Hood's Opponent Is"


    DEANA HOOD LOST & people told me it's cause I did a great job:):)   
    ***For the record it takes TEAMWORK and to the people that "fed me" the information THANK YOU!  America will be better cause people care about humanity!***

  1. This is the 2nd time Sharyn Bovat has used creative ways to expose 

    candidates she believes to be "against the grain" when it comes to protecting the constitution: Sharyn is a  moderate republican who "sometimes" votes the other side- She wants what's best for the country.    

    Deana Hood for Judge --- NOT


    Apr 8, 2014 - Deana Hood has been emailed and asked to explain if any of Sharyn ... Listen to a Deana Hood SUPPORTER he uses the "N" word & Troy ...
    You visited this page

    1. Here's the audio of Deana Hoods Supporter using "N" word...

      Denise Andre wins close race in Williamson County

      The Tennessean-16 hours ago
      Andre beat Deanna Hood with 52.3 percent of the vote. ... Williamson County voters chose to retain six incumbent judges, picked one new one, ...

John Bolton's Hawkish Hardline Scares NeoKids Who Want Peace: Bolton Also KNOWS the TRUTH About the Lockerbie Bombing and UNCLASSIFIED Data Shows He LIED... Why is He Still Silent?


Obama's transparent administration demands less transparency

DigitalJournal.com - ‎May 10, 2014‎
Washington - On becoming president Barack Obama promised his administration would be the most transparent ever. His actions go counter to any such claim. He has prosecuted whistleblowers and failed to provide information on the drone program among ...
Pan Am 103 was NOT just the work of Libya... it was ordered by Iran and carried out by a Palestinian group. A guy at the DOD told me it was declassified by the DIA. Still the CIA has it classified NOW James Clapper is gonna keep EVERYONE silent. The article  to the left was published just LAST November by a Newsquest/Gannett paper. It was "suppressed" from the American internet- WHY? 

Being a child of NeoCons & NeoLibs who has childhood memories that include Donald Rumsfeld from his Ford days so for me to start NeoKids for Peace actually "makes sense" sorry for my abuse of "quotes" as a child my mom told me to emphasis important words with them... she did "cables" when we were on trips to SouthEast Asia in the 70's.... she was a spy-and a world class one but to me she's "just" mom:):)  In the 50's she lived in Tokyo and was Chief Stewardess for Transocean Airlines ( a CIA subsidized Airline). 

Walt Disney was a BIG NeoBusiness man- There's a picture of me as a 1-2 year old being held by an assistant of Ed Daly (the owner of World Airways) at Disneyland in California. My "real" dad the man that raised me is most likely not my bio dad.  He used to enjoy the bar (private club) at Disneyland located in the Pirates of the Caribbean.  One memory at about the age of 7 is him with other pilots wearing "ears" singing M. I. C.  military industrial complex K. E. Y.  the "key" to getting rich"... M. O. U. S. E.   

There's a famous whistleblower named Rodney Stich some say the Disney "humorist" named a recent character after the whistleblower: STITCH

Childhood Memory: My mom she used to use the term "Don't be a 'snitch' like Stich" - Well Mr. Stich was jailed- bullied and faced trumped up charges - many believe that is why he became a BIG conspiracy theorist.  I was told that "some" of he stuff is TRUE- other is not yet proven to be true- and they won't verify his most recent allegations.  Since my family were part of the clique that "ridiculed" the man I would like him to know that I'm sorry for any actions my mom did. She only did what she did for "love of county"... That's the problem with the whole WHISTLEBLOWER issue and Why John Kiriakou still sits in prison (he was railroaded- I learned that at the Monterey Peninsula Country Club from a Leon Panetta Ally- "Leon is a GREAT lawyer and their gonna use the Espionage Act to scare Whistleblowers..." I never heard them use the name Kiriakou BUT I clearly heard Espionage Act used to scare Whistleblowers. Mom mom didn't even "blink"... when hearing comment that seemed "not kosher" Guess she went to the James Clapper school for treatment of whistleblowers?

People need to know that the TRUTH is coming out on various cover ups. The mainstream media can't keep the spigot of information turned off.  Data is flowing and people in their 40's and 50's are getting word from their MILLENNIAL children that America has LIED to them.... it's time for transparency in America...

The Generational Divide is gonna hit the GOP establishment "like a ton of bricks".. maybe it already has?

Did I mention that John Bolton is "in bed" with Mossad?
NOT all Mossad are bad... just the ones that helped in the Lockerbie Cover-Up and some say worked on the "flights GUEST LIST"...

Obama's transparent administration demands less transparency

DigitalJournal.com - ‎May 10, 2014‎He has prosecuted whistleblowers and failed to provide information on the drone program among ...
Pan Am 103 was NOT just the work of Libya... it was ordered by Iran and carried out by a Palestinian group. A guy at the DOD told me it was declassified by the DIA. Still the CIA has it classified NOW James Clapper is gonna keep EVERYONE silent. The article  to the left was published just LAST November by a Newsquest/Gannett paper. It was "suppressed" from the American internet- WHY? 

Roll Call did great reporting on the super PAC of John Bolton"unlike" SaxbyChambilss his PAC is not a "Golf Getaway Fund"... it's a real PAC. http://www.propublica.org/article/leadership-pacs-let-the-good-times-roll-925

“Sen. Saxby Chambliss’s (R-GA) leadership PAC dropped $107,752 at the Breakersresort in Palm Beach during the 2012 election cycle. That is over three times as much money as he gave the National Republican Senatorial Committee to get fellow Republicans elected. One year, Chambliss spent nearly one-third of his entire leadership PAC funds on golf, limos, and at least one private jet ride. His leadership PAC also picked up a $26,814 dinner tab at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse and $10,344 at Pebble Beach..."  Breitbart

BELOW shows the Lockerbie Truth is being told in GERMANY - this was just a few days ago too.

The John Bolton Super PAC reported it had receipts of $768,937 and disbursements of $89,043 during the first quarter, leaving $1,135,676 cash on hand as of March 31st.
The major donors were Warren Stephens, chairman of Stephens Inc. (AR), giving $500,000; August A. Busch III, retired (MO), giving $50,000; Lawrence Mizel, chairman and CEO of M.D.C. Holdings Inc. (CO), giving $50,000; Thomas W. Smith, investor, Prescott Investors Inc. (FL), giving $50,000; Marilyn Ware, retired (CO), giving $25,000; Andrew W. Swenson, investor, Rhone Group LLC (CT) giving $25,000; Stephen F. Brauer, chairman, Hunter Engineering (MO), giving $25,000; among others.
The PAC spent $24,000 on PAC management; $17,525 on website services; $12,737 for online advertising, among other expenses. (this is really good use of money- THANK YOU John Bolton for being a FISCAL conservative) 
Read More.

John Bolton Super PAC Raises $768K

Roll Call (blog)-Apr 15, 2014
The Super PAC of John Bolton, a former ambassador to the United Nations and former Assistant Attorney General in the Reagan administration ...

Look at this Tweet from a Millennial that Supports Rand Paul and CODEPINK

NeoKids for Peace is "Leaning"at Supporting Rand Paul for President- we STILL want a strong military JUST less abuse of taxpayer dollars and MORE respect for humanity.  Rand Paul's recent drone comments make him "stand out" in the field of 2016 candidates:America is SICK of War!!!


Paul Calls for Releasing Extrajudicial-Killing Memos

The Atlantic-9 hours ago
Senator Rand Paul wrote a Sunday op-ed in the New York Times arguing that all Americans deserve to see the Office of Legal Counsel memos ...
Show Us the Drone Memos
-New York Times

The Problem with the GOP Establishment is Their a Bunch of RICH Hypocrites!!! Sorry Ed Gillespie I'm NOT talking about YOU just ALL the Others- This Bank Paribus & Credit Suisse Scandal SHOULD Sent Mitt to Jail But He's JUST Supporting Obama's Policies Instead?


BNP/CREDIT SUISSE BEG FOR MERCY — NYT’s Ben Protess and Jessica Silver-Greenberg: “Two of the world’s biggest banks, facing the threat of criminal charges, are mounting final bids for leniency. To avoid the fallout from pleading guilty — no giant bank has done so in more than two decades — BNP Paribas and Credit Suisse made last-ditch appeals to prosecutors and regulators in recent weeks … The private meetings came after prosecutors sought guilty pleas from the parent companies of both banks: BNP of France over doing business with countries like Sudan that the United States has blacklisted (IRAN), and Credit Suisse for offering tax shelters to wealthy Americans.

MITT Romney Profits from Putin & Khomeini- I whistleblower about it and got cyber attacked, jailed and terrorized by Mossad and ALL Mitt Romney gets NO jail time but has to support increasing the minimum wage? It's NOT fair.  I believe it should be increased but think Mitt should get some FREE federal housing too. The GOP establishment & Haley Barbour NEW this and kept their mouths shut - WHY? 

Romney: Raise the minimum wage

Politico-May 11, 2014
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on Thursday morning said he supports an increase in the minimum wage, breaking with many ...
Romney urges GOP to back minimum wage hike
-Boston Globe-May 9, 2014
Romney Backs Minimum Wage Hike
-NBCNews.com-May 9, 2014
 "But between mid-2009 and mid-2010, the Romney trusts made large investments in securities from BNP Paribas, a French bank with long-standing operations in Iran. The bank halted new business in Iran in 2007 but is still trying to terminate outstanding loans there. In all, Romney's family trusts bought more than 2.6 million shares, which were all sold in late 2010 for about $2.5 million.

Romney's trust for his grown children also bought and sold shares in China North Oil, recently named by the Congressional Research Service as a likely violator of the Iran Sanctions Act, and in Intesa Sanpaolo, an Italian bank that has been under investigation by U.S. authorities for handling of Iranian funds. There were also trades in stock of Gazprom(this is PUTIN & the Russian Mafia), Schlumberger, Komatsu and Unilever – all firms that have had business in or with Iran.
Many of those companies are included among an extensive list compiled by United Against Nuclear Iran, a bipartisan group urging pressure on firms with business in Iran. A spokesman for the group, Nathan Carleton, declined to comment on Romney's holdings. But Carleton noted that the group's list – it named several of the firms the Romney trusts bought stock in – "is available for anyone to investigate."

Ex Karl Rove Operative Trained OpResearcher Strikes Again This Time in the Texas AG Race- Sorry Ken Paxton YOU Got BUSTED!!! Web Stats Show Buck Revell Endorsement Led to YOUR Demise... Still It Ain't Over Yet!!! Hey Tennessee LOSERS Deana Hood and Aaron Conklin YOU Should Call Ken Paxton in Texas - He's Probably Gonna Lose the Attorney General Race Cause the Mainstream Media Is Reporting that He's Corrupt. Ouch! Another Good Ole Boy is Gonna Bite the Dust! Humanity Might Happen!! Thank you Texas & Tennessee

Next: Message to Lockerbie Cover Up Team Explains WHY I Want the TRUTH About Pan Am 103 Told - I Want Buck Revell, Frank Duggan, Richard Marquise, Darrell Mills, Sir John Orr & Brian Murtagh to STOP The inhumanity... It Makes NO SENSE for them to Keep Lying UNLESS "they" Have Something to Lose? I Lost My Family... Literally.. I Will NEVER have my Pre Lockerbie Family Back... I Know NOW in My Heart i Don't Want to See Any of Them EVER Again. It's Because They Ignored Abuse to Me After I Whistle Blew... OMG!!! I Was Trying to Save America... from "itself".... to The People That Want a Healthy America... Thank You! & To My NOW Ex Family... I Don't Hate You... I Don't Want to Humiliate You... BUT Lets Face It... By Doing "This" It Scares Others Into Acting Ethically.. & THAT is What Will Make the World Healthy. In My Heart I Want My Uncle Bill Frisbie to "Tell the Lockerbie Truth" But He's Stay Silent So Long... Maybe It's Just NOT Possible? The World Needs Other NeoKids to Speak Up... PLEASE Do It for the NEXT Generation...If There's Going to Be Another Generation? Do We Really Need So Many Nukes? OMG!! This Guy From India Today Asked Me to Blog About His New Leader... Does the Inhumanity Ever End?

  1. Chron.com (blog) ‎- 10 hours ago
    It looks like voters are finally taking a good look at Attorney General candidate Ken Paxton and aren't liking what they see. As I said earlier:.

  1. Dallas Morning News (blog)‎ - 4 hours ago
  2. Austin American-Statesman‎ - 1 day ago

Message to Lockerbie Cover Up Team Explains WHY I Want the TRUTH About Pan Am 103 Told - I Want Buck Revell, Frank Duggan, Richard Marquise, Darrell Mills, Sir John Orr & Brian Murtagh to STOP The inhumanity... It Makes NO SENSE for them to Keep Lying UNLESS "they" Have Something to Lose? I Lost My Family... Literally.. I Will NEVER have my Pre Lockerbie Family Back... I Know NOW in My Heart i Don't Want to See Any of Them EVER Again. It's Because They Ignored Abuse to Me After I Whistle Blew... OMG!!! I Was Trying to Save America... from "itself".... to The People That Want a Healthy America... Thank You! & To My NOW Ex Family... I Don't Hate You... I Don't Want to Humiliate You... BUT Lets Face It... By Doing "This" It Scares Others Into Acting Ethically.. & THAT is What Will Make the World Healthy. In My Heart I Want My Uncle Bill Frisbie to "Tell the Lockerbie Truth" But He's Stay Silent So Long... Maybe It's Just NOT Possible? The World Needs Other NeoKids to Speak Up... PLEASE Do It for the NEXT Generation...If There's Going to Be Another Generation? Do We Really Need So Many Nukes? OMG!! This Guy From India Today Asked Me to Blog About His New Leader... Does the Inhumanity Ever End?


On May 19, 2014, at 4:06 PM, Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com> wrote:

He took all the chemo and radiation cause he did not want to live to see an innocent man prosecuted for the Lockerbie bombing. Papa (my grandfather) was to proud to say that his two eldest kids were EVIL & I’m really trying to not hate ALL of you!


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: CIA abused/bullied Pilots without degrees - Whistleblower Rats Out Family Drug Trafficking Ties... Tells Lockerbie Cover Up Team Their BUSTED!!! 
Date: May 19, 2014 at 4:26:07 PM CDT
To: Uncle Bill (fmr Chief Pilot of Pan Am), Aunt Claudia, Aunt Cathy , Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, richard.jeffs@communication-consultants.co.uk, rblackqc@outlook.com, fduggan@comcast.net, sir.johnorr@yahoo.co.uk, cstanbrook@mwe.com, darrellwmills@msn.com, brian murtagh <bmurtagh3@verizon.net>, jlorourk@syr.edu, Anita Househam <househam@un.org>, Mark@markzaid.com, ed@edgillespiestrategies.com
Cc: Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>

All I’m doing is trying to get the CIA to be more transparent & provide Whistleblower resolution? 

I was told the CIA abused  pilots that did not have college and  in some case high school degrees and blackmailed them that if they did NOT do what they wanted and would tell pilots they’d take away their pilots license.   Some Pan Am flight attendants were “framed” if they were gonna leak?   What happened to ethical people at Pan Am & World Airways was “ugly”…..  

Maybe my Uncle Bill (Former Chief Pilot of Pan Am who served on commissions for Reagan and Bush) can tell the FBI all he knows about the Lockerbie Bombing?

To expedite the situation I’VE cc’d some of the Pan Am 103 cover up team members & Mark Zaid who worked on the “deal” (he’s actually a very ethical lawyer & I’m pissed he would not help me get NISSAN to settle - until I get resolution I’m blogging. Do people “Really” want that? **** wants a divorce and I don’t blame him.. I can be a bit of a bitch:) Also Ed Gillespie - I know him from the 80’s and he made money on the Lockerbie cover up too… He’s a good guy.  Everyone say Hi Ed?   I want him to Free John Kiriakou.  He has the connections to do that.  He might not be a Senator BUT he’s still a powerful person.  Ed keep up the good campaign work - I ‘ve got $20 on the table you’ll only lose by 4pts:):) 

Have a great day!


***UPDATE*** Message for Meghan McCain Too: OMG!!! Is the Dunn Family Funding Those That Sent Me Death Threats? Could Karl Rove Want Me Dead. I Told the FBI Pre James Comey That I Had a Death Threat from Austin & I Even Told Dana Loesch - It's ODD She's a Ken Paxton Supporter. When i Started Supporting John Kiriakou I Got a Threat.... Huh... Is It True the CIA Says My Blogs are TORTURE? Will I Ever Get a Job with Stratfor? Craig Stamm I Can't Worik for FBI Cause i Want to Smoke Pot - I Have Iran Contra Era PTSD & a Ken Paxton Supporter Confirmed Buck Did Iran Contra Cover Up... I Emailed the Lockerbie Bombing Cover UP Team & Told Em Too...

Previous: Message to Lockerbie Cover Up Team Explains WHY I Want the TRUTH About Pan Am 103 Told - I Want Buck Revell, Frank Duggan, Richard Marquise, Darrell Mills, Sir John Orr & Brian Murtagh to STOP The inhumanity... It Makes NO SENSE for them to Keep Lying UNLESS "they" Have Something to Lose? I Lost My Family... Literally.. I Will NEVER have my Pre Lockerbie Family Back... I Know NOW in My Heart i Don't Want to See Any of Them EVER Again. It's Because They Ignored Abuse to Me After I Whistle Blew... OMG!!! I Was Trying to Save America... from "itself".... to The People That Want a Healthy America... Thank You! & To My NOW Ex Family... I Don't Hate You... I Don't Want to Humiliate You... BUT Lets Face It... By Doing "This" It Scares Others Into Acting Ethically.. & THAT is What Will Make the World Healthy. In My Heart I Want My Uncle Bill Frisbie to "Tell the Lockerbie Truth" But He's Stay Silent So Long... Maybe It's Just NOT Possible? The World Needs Other NeoKids to Speak Up... PLEASE Do It for the NEXT Generation...If There's Going to Be Another Generation? Do We Really Need So Many Nukes? OMG!! This Guy From India Today Asked Me to Blog About His New Leader... Does the Inhumanity Ever End?
Former Karl Rove Trained Opposition Researcher Accuses Current Rove Operatives for Sending Her Death Threats.... Wants FBI to Investigate   SharynBovat.com


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: OMG!!! Ken Paxton Supporter Told me Last Night Buck Revell Covered Up Iran Contra Too... Copy of Email Inc. DUNN OIL FAMILY LINKED TO DEATH THREAT TO ME TOO.... & I Thought Karl Rove Liked Me... He Connected with Me on Linked In Just Like Silverman....Huh? 
Date: May 22, 2014 at 12:08:04 PM PDT
To: anthony@anthonyholm.com, ed@edgillespiestrategies.com, Jonathan Collegio <jacollegio@americancrossroads.org>, fduggan@comcast.net, brian murtagh <bmurtagh3@verizon.net>, sir.johnorr@yahoo.co.uk, darrellwmills@msn.com, cstanbrook@mwe.com, Mark Silverman <4msilverman@gmail.com>, "foshko@stratfor.com"<foshko@stratfor.com>, "matt.vance@stratfor.com"<matt.vance@stratfor.com>, "nick.geron@stratfor.com"<nick.geron@stratfor.com>, "burton@stratfor.com"<burton@stratfor.com>, "kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com"<kyle.rhodes@stratfor.com>
Cc: Michael Dorris <michael.dorris@credit-suisse.com>

New Research Links Dunn family & the oil industry to one of the death threats I received. They’re linked to Karl Rove according to documents (That’s impossible-Karl Rove helped protect me at the RNC conventions in Tampa).  I was able to park safely at the building that housed the Tampa club.  I even snooped a little and went to the 31st floor where American Crossroads had their meetings… When Haley Barbour’s person was headed to great me in room with emerald green carpet I got some exercise and RAN!!!


People KNOW Buck Revell is the Lockerbie Puppet-master….  Good News… more have come forward in ref to JFK “deal" my grandfather had NOTHING to do with ex President being killed ALL he did was the cover up: 
 "McCone 100% with the MIC. But he did not kill JFK. Other hawks in military/CIA did. LBJ was the key instigator….”  in an email to me  ALL emails below

The Lockerbie Truth is Gonna Happen...A Year Ago Aviation CEO Told Me  "The Old Guys are Losing It…
I can now show probable cause tying Ken Paxton supporters to the “dirty trick” done in South Carolina in the Democratic primary…. the one where the Green guy beat “favorite’ thus giving Jim DeMint a very easy race:  that’s NOT legal….  Sal Russo is a genius too….

Begin forwarded message:

From: ***A Ken Paxton Supporter***
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 22, 2014 at 12:15:55 AM CDT

***********************(this line is in email below) *********************************
 I am a fiscal conservative so I support Ken Paxton, knowing nothing of his Buck Revell connections.
Buck Revell helped to cover up Iran-Contra, too, and God knows what else.
 I met Ken Paxton one time, went to a SA Spurs game with him and he was a nice guy.

Begin forwarded message:

From: A Ken Paxton Supporter 

Subject: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 9:34:43 PM PDT

I endorsed him for my GOP precinct here in Austin, TX. What is your phone number? *************.
Let's have a chat one day about Ken Paxton, Buck Revell and anything else that might be interesting.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 9:39:53 PM PDT
To: A Ken Paxton Supporter

I'm in CA the next few days dealing with an issue Buck Revell will know about : my # 615-944-7599 please call me next week. Have a great night!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: A Ken Paxton Supporter
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 9:42:05 PM PDT

Thank-you, we will talk in a week or so. ************

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 9:59:48 PM PDT
To:  A Ken Paxton Supporter

FYI- a friend of mines dad was cia recruited out if Texas a & m by LBJ administration- CIA/MIC clique killed Kennedy - my grandfather connected to John McCone - Buck Revell knows & he supports Ken Paxton so why do you support Paxton?


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: A Ken Paxton Supporter
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 10:15:55 PM PDT

I am 100% sure LBJ-CIA-MIC-DallasTX oil men/military contractors murdered John Kennedy. In fact this is my expertise. CIA director John McCone had nothing to do with it.
I am a fiscal conservative so I support Ken Paxton, knowing nothing of his Buck Revell connections.
Buck Revell helped to cover up Iran-Contra, too, and God knows what else.
I met Ken Paxton one time, went to a SA Spurs game with him and he was a nice guy.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 10:35:35 PM PDT
To:  A Ken Paxton Supporter


looking forward to talking to you…  Mccone had to deal with the cover up and what you say makes sense.
I was told my grandfather had nothing to do with JFK except the cover up

Thank you!!!

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 10:39:14 PM PDT
To: A Ken Paxton Supporter

unfortunately the govt. is paranoid and everything my grandfather did is classified… 
McCone with MIC and so was my grandfather - it’s the “go along to get along thing”….
It will all come out in 2017 unless certain people are elected. Only the President in 2017 can 
stop the truth.

Have a great night!


In a message dated 5/22/2014 12:00:02 A.

 Begin forwarded message:

From: a Ken Paxton Supporter
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 11:07:40 PM PDT

McCone 100% with the MIC. But he did not kill JFK. Other hawks in military/CIA did. LBJ was the key instigator.
In a message dated 5/22/2014 12:39:17 A.M. Central Daylight Time, sharynbovat@icloud.com writes:
McCone with MIC and so was my grandfather - it’s the “go along to get along thing”…

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>
Subject: Re: Tell me about Ken Paxton
Date: May 21, 2014 at 11:08:59 PM PDT
To: A Ken Paxton Supporter

Thank you… you confirm what I was told… it’s really complicated.
Look forward to talking to you next week.  Nice to meet you


Ken Paxton Wins.... He Should Give Back His Buck Revell Endorsement

***UPDATE*** Ex Karl Rove Trained Opposition Research Says a Rand Paul ~ General Petraeus BEST 2016 Ticket for GOP


Present for Uncle Rupert- I tested out the Paul-Petreaus 2016 ticket & it's a winner!

Here's my NOVEMBER 2012 post wanting Kelly prime time & I was RIGHT!!  FYI- I know Rupert reads my blogs... I've got web stats:):)   

Fox I've got an issue that will "Get" the moderate voters inspired to watch Fox and it's also bashing the Obama Administration....  This should be a "no brainer"... it's about WHISTLEBLOWERS (keep reading the issue of John Kiriakou is below)

GOP ELITE: I was CORRECT when in 2012 I  said to put Megyn Kelly "prime time" in fact I KNEW ratings would skyrocket - Megyn says a lot of whacky stuff that make moderates "cringe" but she's likable....& I knew that the "mommy of Thatcher" would be an anchor BLOCKBUSTER  - Once again Sean Hannity whose has too many "toxic" guests and his demeanor is truly hostile against political moderates and his show is STALE!  



Drudge reported Kelly would get 9pm spot in August 2013''''

  1. Megyn Kelly Getting Sean Hannity's 9 PM Slot: Drudge Report


    Aug 8, 2013 - When Fox News announced that Megyn Kelly was going to be moving from ... Megyn Kelly Getting Sean Hannity's 9 PM Slot: Drudge Report .... Megyn KellyWill Take Over Fox's 9PM Primetime Slot, According To Drudge ...

PLEASE listen when I say that the image of the GOP is hurt when you keep parading the NeoFringe on TV.  Americans are tired of paying for war and our troops that served 3-5 tours in the Middle East need attention focused on HOW they'll be taken care of in the future.   

Uncle Rupert's people know my opinions are grade A... (fyi I call Rupert Murdoch and Shedon Adelson Uncle cause years ago I was told I was a "member" of the "family" & after I was outed by NISSAN for being a former researcher for CIA operatives "my GOP family" welcomed me back...kindof like the prodigal son biblical story... I really enjoyed the Journey concert at the RNC family reunion:):)   


Anyway... I'm BACK and even though I'm "outing" Howard Baker allies for "sleazy"deals I want it know that President Reagan did NOT know about Iran Contra to the extent he should have. When NISSAN "outed me" for my CIA past  because they were committing fraud - (above is a picture of my grandfather in 1944 Naval Intelligence & also one of my mom who is probably one of the greatest spies America ever had... In 2011 after I was terrorized by Obama allies after I whistle blew about fraud and that a foreign company was taking US taxpayer money and they fueled the Iranian economy my mom hid a packet of docs that show 3 generations of my family "served" America for the CIA... I NOW have it!!!

I know 100% that President Reagan was NOT briefed properly in reference to Iran Contra. 
Nancy knew that years ago. Years ago I did the research used to restore Oliver North's image after he was "witch hunted" by congress.  I tested the concept of "just doing what he was told"& Average America accepted it Then others implemented the message.  Today Oliver North is a hero and I'm OK with that cause - he really was "just" doing what he was told. I want to vindicate President Reagan for I know the element that lied to him is still controlling parts of the government & to get America healthy "that" needs to stop.  

Uncle Rupert had a guy speak to me about Chris Christie & I relayed 100% he's TOAST. 
I told him I liked Rand Paul.... a few months later... Uncle Rupert went to the derby:):)

It's so refreshing to see Fox News welcoming Jesselyn Radack and Thomas drake and actually showing on "prime time" that John Kiriakou is unfairly treated...
the  "whistleblower" crowd needs an ally & for Fox to disclose the "unfairness" in the use of the Espionage act... it makes that network appear MORE "Fair and Balanced"... ya'll still have a long way to go... maybe if you don't "can" Hannity you'll make the Kiriakou/Afghan CIA chief story one that he gnaws on like a favorite "chew toy"...  If he did that FOX would look like the "transparent" network.... win~win:):) 

Watch Jesselyn Radack on Fox News (She's one of Snowden's lawyers too).


Uncle Rupert I want the Lockerbie Truth Told.... I KNOW You Can "Make it Happen!!!

It's better for Ed Gillespie and he Senate race to have it exposed NOW... people will forget he profited from the cover up during the summer... Sir - it's gonna happen (the truth) lets just "do it"...

Thank and have a great day!


Karl Rove & Ed Gillespie Can YOU Get Uncle Sheldon to Invest in a Free Market Solution to the PTSD Crisis - It Will Help Our Troops That Can't Get VA Appointments? Pretty Please?

James Comey Tell the FBI All Roads Lead to Howard Baker and the Deals Done to Get a Republican Elected in 1980 ( Deals Done in 1979 and I Think Howard Baker Did It So HE Could Be President?) Also During Iran Contra & the Lockerbie Cover Up.. I Did Send Bilderberg and Email Asking For Help..Too.Please FBI "IF" Your Really Investigating Get Tom Ingram to "Cut a Deal"... Bill Lacy Will Know Too... OMG!!! They Know About the Murder of Sonny Bono and Margaret Lesher..Ask Them ... PLEASE... Mike Dorris What the **** are YOU Doing to Help Me... Tell Stratfor I'm Serious I Want a Job and Health Insurance. Please It's NOT Easy Being a Whistleblower and I Need a Lawyer to Help Me... One That I TRUST....


 I learned at an all day conference that something BIG was being done and that the IRS would punish those that abused me... It was a conference of Treasury & State Dept lawyers on sanctions. I was told to expose the people that profit illegally... Later I learned the Tennessee Governor BESIDES NISSAN were involved.
Also the Tisch family and others linked to Howard Baker & the NFL .... no surprises since Howard Baker linked to the "deal" cut so Reagan could be president..BUT the truth is the "deal" was done so Howard Baker could be President in 1980" luckily the voters in Iowa and New Hampture did not like him:):)

 Oops was that classified.  I already told a US Attorney my family that was connected to World Airways was part of the "Get Rid of Carter" 1979 deal... Hostages were held for 444 days... Just ask Jim Haslam (Senior- Jimmy and Billy Haslam will know too)...

In 1979 I was around people that knew about the "deal" including  Ed Heering (close friend of Ed Daly the owner of World Airways) they were was part of the Khomeini deal cause Jimmy Carter fired a lot of CIA and canceled a LOT of World Airways contracts.   The "deal" was made for Iran (Khomeini to keep the hostages so CIA/MIC vendors would get contracts from the new President.  World Airways got the deal to run guns for Cyclone.   .. Ed Heering onetime screamed at my mom... My dad Larry Bovat was the Teamster rep for the pilots during the "ugliest strike in aviation history.  In November 1979 my mom went to China for a Democracy trip as part of an All female delegation & during that time while not in strike negotiations my dad told me he could NOT look at me cause I had the "face of management"... later i learned I was conceived while my dad was in Laos doing covert CIA stuff and I'm probably Ed Daly's bio kid. It's complicated - BUT I clearly remember Ed Heering telling (yelling) at my mom "the pilots will get more money (hours) once the republicans are in charge".....he did NOT say WHO...  maybe the sleazy drug trafficking CIA linked vendors that cut unethical deals with Khomeini wanted Howard Baker to be the 1980 nominee?  The Haslam family has been buying Iranian oil illegally via Mike Loya - whose daddy had coffee with me before he died and told me stories of Pancho Villa (?) and said my mom was "hot"....  

Google Mike Loya Vitol  (he's the President of a 300 BILLION dollar energy broker- he skirts Iranian sanctions just like BNP Pariabas -- you'll see my picture.... huh.

BNP Paribas faces fine of more than $10bn in US sanctions ...

The Guardian-21 hours ago
BNP Paribas, France's biggest bank, is reported to be facing a fine of ... to settle allegations that it violated US sanctions against Iran and other ...

Justice Dept. Seeks More Than $10 Billion Penalty From BNP Paribas
-Wall Street Journal-May 30, 2014


Baker Donelson & NISSAN spent over 1 million on lawyers to discredit me as a whistleblower & to read my blogs... there has to be a reason WHY?

Howard Baker served in the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946 - Wow so did my grandfather here's his pic in 1944 when he did Naval Intelligence- Bill Lacy was White House communications while Iran Contra was happening and Howard Baker was Chief of Staff

Below from WIKI
 Baker was frequently mentioned by insiders as a possible nominee for Vice President of the United States on a ticket headed by incumbent President Gerald Ford in 1976 and, according to many sources, was a front-runner for this post. Ford, however, in a surprising move, chose Kansas Senator Bob Dole. (close to Bill Lacy).  Baker ran for U.S. President in 1980, dropping out of the race for the GOP nomination after losing the Iowa caucuses toGeorge H.W. Bush and the New Hampshire primary to Ronald Reagan, even though a Gallup poll had him in second place in the presidential race at eighteen percent behind Reagan at 41 percent as late as November 1979. 

I'm still connecting the dots....  

Howard Baker Helped Arm Bin Ladin.... He'll Know about 9-11 issues... Just like Carlos Ghosn of NISSAN 

BNP’s efforts to get around the sanctions was irresponsible and could have caused the entire international effort to collapse. They deserve to pay dearly, as do other banks and businesses that have tried to profit off the sanctions.

Sunday's Thought to Ponder - CodePink's Janet Weil's Inspiration - Inspiration - Haley Barbour Don't Kill Me - US Intel Elite I "Get" your Worried I'm a CodePink Sympathizer: Guys I'm Committed to Black (Like They Say-Once You Go Black You Can't Go Back:):) - Commentary on Saudi & UAE Are Giving Egypt 20 Billion & Read Jesselyn Radack Article on Abuse of Espionage Act & Yes It's Cool to Support John Kiriakou & More People Should....

For the last few Friday's I've read CodePinks "Inspiration for your Friday" and it's really inspiring...
Imitation is the best form of flattery so every Sunday I'll give a "thought to Ponder...  

In case you missed Friday's inspiration from CodePink's Janet Weil here's a snipit and the link.   Knowing who reads this blog Hello Uncle Sheldon & Uncle Rupert I'm sure you missed it:):)  

"...The hate mail slowed to a trickle, then died down almost completely. Now people write expressions of gratitude, of interest, of appreciation. A few men have written to info email this year to say that they’ve come to see that CODEPINK was right about the Iraq war, or sometimes other issues, and that they appreciate our persistence or integrity. These inspire me – because they show me that people, even those rigidly opposed to us years ago, can change their minds and hearts. What can’t we change, if we keep walking toward a more peaceful world? What can’t we do together for justice? Who can we reach out to? Whose minds and hearts do we need to speak to? And how do I, do we, without sentimentality or unrealistic expectations, but with an open curiosity, communicate with those we disagree with or oppose? - ..."

See more at: http://codepink.org/blog/2014/05/inspiration-for-your-friday-6/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Pinktank+%28CODEPINK%3A+PINKTANK%29#sthash.uT7tFXkk.dpuf

CodePinks Inspiration for your Friday...written by Janet Weil I can relate: In my own battles against "multiple" enemies including but not limited to NISSAN execs committing fraud and discriminating against women, corrupt DA' s & Judges and lack of transparency in the Tennessee courts, Unethical Republicans (yes I'm a republican just one who believe in "ethics"... fyi there are some scummy dems too) who profit from Putin and Khomeini mad at me for exposing their bad acts, People in a corrupt Good Ole Boy Network that was once controlled by Howard Baker, etc...  FYI- I've been told that Haley Barbour pardoned so many so "murderers" because he wanted people that are capable of killing to owe him favors... http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2014/may/20/pardoned-ex-prisoner-pleads-guilty-manslaughter/

Yes!!! I know I swear and not articulate &  Although I'm not as articulate as some my points are valid.  Before my webstats were "tweaked" I got the data that showed LOTS of viewers and who was reading.  The #'s on the left are just for 1 website... the viewership skyrocket after I was jailed on "trumped up" charges...  Oddly people part of Bilderberg read my blogs prior to my arrest? I can prove it....  Tim Geithner- GAME ON!!!

Anyway just Like CodePink I've had hate mail & death threats... still I stand up to the bullies and respectfully when asked I tell them WHY i fight.   I've had people that said I was "crazy" or delusional the most painful were a few from my own family...  BUT I kept speaking and NOW my family has turned around and they see the point I tried to make. They're not happy with me "airing" the dirty laundry BUT when confronted with the reality - that I was jailed and bullied simply for doing the morally right thing... they finally said OK.. I have to admit I said that "if" they did not show me respect I'd put PROOF a certain relative was involved with CIA drug trafficking in the Reagan era on the internet.  That threat worked and now I'll have one less blog post to write.  My family is silent about me... I will never be close to them but they will no longer be the enemy of the creation of a healthy society.  It's a sad & lonely victory but hell I'll take any victory.... I'm in this battle of human decency to win.. Huh... 

Maybe had I warn brighter clothing my concerns would have been heard faster?  It sure would be fun to be part of a group like this:  picture of my clothes for last trip to DC...easy to mix and match:)

Oops i was told that Mossad is "my friend"... & people have told me I've become a CodePink" sympathizer. My DNA is MIC/CIA ... it's just not natural: They think I need new meds...  Because i like CodePink....  Those NeoNuts need to think about "this"....

The ladies that protest might look like a bunch of sissy's but Sisi is scared of their co founder Medea Benjamin...  so is Mossad.  


Years ago I was told "you can't run away from who you are..." today my response is I did run away and for a long time I was "just" Sharyn... & people did not know who my family was & "how" does it matter?  Now that I'm almost 50 I really don't give a **** that my family was MIC/CIA or what they are in the eyes of others... I can see how the world is with my own eyes & I want PEACE... & dammit so do other NeoKids 


So to the people that fear I'm a sympathizer for the global protest group don't worry... I get it: Anyway pink might not be my primary color... BUT I can still have fun with pink... besides BLACK is more slimming:):)  Mr Hagel I'm LOYAL to my country and that means I respect the fact the in America Protesting is Patriotic...

Saudi and the UAE are giving Egypt 20 Billion...  So I see a need for the ladies in oversized sun glasses for a very long time....  


Lastly I was the 500th "retweet" of this...

Please Read:

Mississippi Voters A Vote for Chris McDaniel is a Vote Saying NO to Cronyism & Corruption: Please Tell Haley Barbour to Retire and 'Just Say NO' to Thad Cochran - 2015 Recession This "Will" Happen was Created By Haley Barbour Allies That Abused BOND Debt.... They "Took Advantage" of the 2010 Stimulus That Was SUPPOSED to Create Jobs... Average Cost PER Job Created is about 2 Million Each.. Average Salary for Each Job 30k - Sadly 40% of The Jobs Were TEMP!!!


there were NOT 21 articles... please see full Google search results...
The mainstream media NEVER picked up this story and Haley Barbour "still" looks like the GOP "stealth" leader... Haley Barbour is involved with a LOT of cronyism and corruption and Gannett NEVER reports it.   I can prove that Gannett editors were "in bed" with Haley Barbour... oddly the same time they were sleeping with me 

  1. DC Pillow Talk - Voice of a Moderate


    Bovat says high level Gannett executives failed to cover issues to protect BIG BUSINESS and promoted ... Why did the Washington Times want Mark Silverman ?
    You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 1/18/14
A McDaniel win on Tuesday — an election night featuring an sprawling, eight-state slate of primaries — would give the outside groups that have backed him their biggest scalp of 2014. A Cochran win would basically guarantee that this is the first election year since 2008 in which no Republican senator goes down in a primary. Polls show the race to be neck and neck

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/06/primary-night-the-7-key-questions-107343.html#ixzz33ahf3rr8

Haley Barbour: Tea party distorting Mississippi senate race

Washington Times-5 hours ago
Haley Barbour, who served as national GOP chairman before serving two terms as governor of Mississippi, told The Washington Times that tea ...
Primary day: The 7 key questions

Thank Haley Barbour and Thad Cochran for the Next Recession.... It was there Wall Street Donor that created it... It will happen in 2015

FYI- to my new readers I come from a CIA family and "spoiler alert" it was a CIA/MIC clique that whacked Kennedy.  My grandfather was ONLY involved with the cover up

The Good News for MISSISSIPPI is your NOT Tennessee:):)  

MS your new governor is ethical~Thank you Jesus!

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